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What's the Last Non-Horror Movie You Watched?

Started by L-Face, February 06, 2013, 12:56:33 AM

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I love dumb action flicks. This movie just didn't have excitement. Aside from the Snake Eyes scene.


watched a movie called noobz on netflix the other night.  A road trip movie about gamer's going to compete in a competition, i figured how could it go wrong.

Well for starters it was one of those movies that just seemed to try to hard to be funny, there were some moments that made me grin  and almost laugh, but in a movie that combined the elements it did i expected more. The ending was also lame and predictable

It was a very interesting concept that just fell flat and could have been so much more with the right direction and a cast that was actually you know funny. 3/10.


Last night I peeped Hitchcock's first "talky"- Blackmail.  Interesting use of sound, and I'm curious as to what some other sound movies of that era were like by comparison.  Plot wasn't all that interesting, especially not for the "Master of Suspense".  6/10

Crash Dummie

Star Trek Into Darkness.

Holy shit it was good. A few plot holes, but this was mighty entertaining.


Been a while since I've posted. Sucks.

Anyway, I just watched The Juror (1996), and while I only watched it for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, an actor I love, I have to say I enjoyed the movie, even though it seemed kind of weak in some spots. Incidentally, of course, Gordon-Levitt was only a kid in the movie, so that cut down a lot of potential enjoyment.

Doomed Knight

now you see me.

it was good, and it was strange to see that Morgan Freeman was a "Bad Guy"

I loved the actors and I couldn't predict the ending.

7.5/10 for me


Yeah, I watched The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) yesterday, and while I have mostly mixed feelings, I liked it overall.

For one thing, I really liked Tobey Maguire's performance of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the thee Raimi movies. While I won't say I liked Garfield's performance more, he put up a better fight then I thought he would. However, I never felt Garfield's Parker ever came as close to being as shy as Maguire's Parker, and shyness is a staple of the Peter Parker character. And don't even make me think of Garfield's stupid hair...

I'll end this way. The Amazing Spider-Man is a better movie then Spider-Man (2002), but not better then Spider-Man 2 (2004).


watched an old black and white film and then there were none.

starting to get into the old murder mystery's

Doomed Knight

The Wolverine

it was good, somehow, but I was expecting more. and I didn't know the story was some times after X-men last stand.

And talking about X-Men, I can't wait for the next movie.

well that's what I said about The Wolverine too, and ended up a little disapointed.
hope the next X-Men gets more actions, and less whining.

Hugh Jackman was still awesome


Edit: I just saw that Peter Drinklage will be in it x)


6.8, huh? That's an oddly accurate looking score.  [*uhoh*]


Quote from: HorrorMovieFan on August 01, 2013, 05:22:07 AM
Care to elaborate a bit? Thoughts on the movie/rating?

Anyways, I decided to inflict punishment on myself by watching the three Crow sequels in a row. Since the last one I watched was "Wicked Prayer" I suppose I'll talk about this one.

I'll start with the positives. I like the idea of the plot. A group bearing the names of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse dishing out their own revenge while simultaneously trying to unleash hell and Satan upon the Earth. The other positive, Dennis Hopper hamming it up as a Satan worshiper pimp was pretty fun. Now that the positives are out of the way, I guess that leaves me with the rest of this movie.

You know what, I can overlook everything else but one thing. Rather, one person. Edward Furlong. Wow. Just wow. Not going to pretend to know him as a person, but judging by his super half assed performance, I can only assume he took the gig because he needed money for drugs. It was kind of a case of him seemingly not want to be there and still somehow coming off as if he was "going for it." And by going for it, I of course mean constantly leaning to one side with his head craned and trying his damnedest to be intimidating and ultimately failing due to him looking like the way mainstream media perceives every goth ever.

When he first wandered out in the whole Crow motif I literally laughed for a good two minutes. Really, I came out of this feeling kind of sad for the dude that played War due to him going from a massive hit like the Matrix to this dud. This whole series was just a massive ball of interesting concepts and crappy execution. Maybe the remake will be more dignified, but I won't be holding my breath.



Oh. the Conjuring.  Didn't rate it.  8/10  Great movie, but with two big caveats that are going to effect a lot of audiences and do firmly put this "based on a true story" film firmly into the realm of obvious fiction for me.


Just finished Irréversible (2002) about thirty minutes ago. I pretty much knew most of what there was to know coming in, so it didn't have the shock value it could have had if I'd known nothing about it. The camera work made some scenes, especially the sex club scene, hard to understand, but besides that, it was a pretty cool way to make the movie. The beat-down in the club was intensely brutal, and I actually thought it was a 'worse' scene then the rap scene. Also, I thought Marcus, Alex's boyfriend, was pretty much an idiot, and I connected a lot more to Pierre. Overall, I liked the movie, but I con only really give it a 7/10.


Last non-horror I saw was the new Transformers movie.
