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Worst Horror Films of the Last Three Years

Started by JasonzSon, February 04, 2013, 08:48:59 AM

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Consider this a counterpart to Jiggy's thread.

Hellraiser: Revelations was one of the most bullshit pieces of film I've ever seen and it literally hurts me to think about it.

Apollo 18 was also a 1/1, but mainly because it was the most boring, uninteresting waste of times I've ever experienced.  I had more fun having my wisdom teeth out than I did watching that movie.


Yeah, I saw Hellraiser: Revelations during October of 2012 (the October Challenge for another site), and I was utterly appalled. I could not believe just how bad that film was.

I've seen some bad films 2010 and up (including La casa muda, Psychosis, Suicide Girls Must Die!, Vampegeddon, Bag of Bones, Remains, The Passing, American Horror House, Haunted High, and Jersey Shore Shark Attack), but Revelations just destroyed all hope that Hellraiser could perhaps pop back up to being a well-loved horror series.


Well the thing is, Revelations was made essentially so they could keep the rights in order to make the remake.  If you ignore the fact that by making it they pretty much show they lack the respect necessary to make the remake, it's not something they ever intended to be indicative of what was to come.  Regardless, it was a shit-stain on the series in every way and one that Doug Bradley was right to refuse.


Wasn't aware of that. So, I take they all rushed to finish the movie in order to keep rights, and it's about akin to an ashcan version of a comic book? Interesting, that explains a lot.

Still, maybe with some time, and a much higher budget, a remake might actually work if made by the same people (and I do say might).


It was essentially "Hey, we've got to make a Hellraiser movie by the end of 2011 or we lose the rights." "Okay, here's a couple Gs.  Go make something".


And you could easily tell by watching the film that that's how the conversation went down.

At least it's only an hour and 15 minutes, but even that felt too long.


List of bad horror movies from the past three years? Lordy that would be a long list.

Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for this thread, pretty much anything that I've seen that I haven't been interested in (which has been pretty much all of them) I haven't bothered watching. Sorry.


"In this ninth installment of the Hellraiser franchise, two friends discover a puzzle box in Mexico, which opens a gateway to Hell. Before long, dermatological nightmare Pinhead has returned to make the lives of everyone in his way miserable."
Straight from Revelation's IMDB. I lolled.

Crash Dummie

Quote from: Shadow on February 04, 2013, 11:33:19 AM
List of bad horror movies from the past three years? Lordy that would be a long list.

Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for this thread, pretty much anything that I've seen that I haven't been interested in (which has been pretty much all of them) I haven't bothered watching. Sorry.
It would be a long list, but I avoided most, if not all of them.

I spent much more time watching Star Trek than horror stuff to be honest.


You never struck me as much as an obsessed horror fan as I was anyway, Crash. Pretty much to be expected. :P

Crash Dummie

I used to be. Well, a neophyte anyways.

Nowadays I care more about good movies than just horror movies. Also really, really bad movies, because stuff like Rocky Horror and the Room is all kinds of fun.


For me it has to be paranormal activity 3. This one much like every other movie in the series is just so boring. There is the kind of bad that makes you want to watch because its cheesy and the bad that just plain makes you want to turn the movie off. For this i was with some friend and it was late so i just crashed on the couch about 15-20 min's into the movie.

Reign in Blood

I will defend Hellraiser Revelations, at least sparingly. Yes, it was kinda crap and low budget out the ass, BUT, I liked that it tried to hark back to original in the series. And the incest angle was fucking hot! Was there incest in those other crap DTV sequels? No? Thought not!  ;D



Quote from: Reign in Blood on February 04, 2013, 05:00:53 PM
I will defend Hellraiser Revelations, at least sparingly. Yes, it was kinda crap and low budget out the ass, BUT, I liked that it tried to hark back to original in the series. And the incest angle was fucking hot! Was there incest in those other crap DTV sequels? No? Thought not!  ;D
It tried to hark back by directly ripping off lines that it wasn't good enough to use.  Fuck that.