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Messages - Chucky

Horror Talk / Re: Jurassic Attack (2013)
July 12, 2018, 12:05:40 AM
The CGI in these pictures alone are laughable.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Hate Crime (2012)
July 12, 2018, 12:03:37 AM
There is another movie called Hate Crime, I think it was about some gay dude getting bashed, which was a DTV movie from over 10 years ago and I remember it being better than I was expecting... what I'm saying has nothing to do with this movie really but has reminded me to maybe track it down and watch it again for review.
Horror Talk / Hit and Run (2009)
July 11, 2018, 12:31:09 AM
Hit and Run is an okay movie and is worthy of a one-time viewing but there's just nothing that makes it really stand out from the myriad of other low budget horror flicks in its era.

What did you think of it?

Horror Talk / Re: The Fog (1980)
July 08, 2018, 07:19:30 PM
It's one of those movies that I have tried watching a bunch of times, and have always been distracted or felt like I just wasn't in the best mood to watch it so I end up turning it off early and watch it again some other time. I've had it on bluray for probably well over 5 years and are still in the same dilemma. I honestly wouldn't be able to give it a rating.
Horror Talk / Re: Scream for Help (1984)
July 08, 2018, 12:16:16 PM
There is supposed to be a bluray coming out in a couple of months, so maybe my experience would have been slightly better considering I watched it in VHS quality (while I do somewhat enjoy the nostalgia of VHS, I certainly prefer to watch movies in the best quality).
Horror Talk / Scream for Help (1984)
July 08, 2018, 12:45:51 AM
The characters in this movie don't typically behave like real humans would in their given circumstances, especially the lead actress. While this does create some sort of bizarre allure to the movie, it ultimately makes it difficult to take the unfolding events seriously.

Have you ever seen Scream for Help?

Horror Talk / American Psycho 2 (2002)
July 07, 2018, 12:12:43 AM
As a stand-alone movie, American Psycho 2 is sort of an okay movie but sets a poor tone with its opening scene as they cheaply kill off Patrick Bateman (I don't consider this a spoiler). It's a lot less interesting than the original and walks the path of a generic teen killer on campus type flick.

What did you think of this sequel?

Video Games / Re: Steam Summer Sale 2018
June 22, 2018, 01:36:57 PM
I think I only ever used Steam once to download something for my daughter.... so.... uh.... nah.  [*finger*]
Horror Talk / Re: The Man Who Laughs (1928)
June 22, 2018, 09:27:44 AM
Well, I was gonna save my thoughts for my review, especially since I'll struggle to really do a lengthy review for a silent film that actually talks more about the film itself rather than how I formulate my rating but here is my opinion...

For a silent film, of which I have only ever seen a few, it is definitely a really good movie of its time. However, when I rate a movie, I try to factor in a few things such as my overall enjoyment factor by comparing it to ratings I have given to other movies, how eager I am to revisit it etc.

So in terms of how eager I am to revisit it, I probably never will. I mean, I already get annoyed enough having to read subtitles for foreign movies so you can imagine how annoyed I may get from watching a silent film, though I obviously understand the limitations of film back then and so I try, as hard as it is, to give silent films a break for that reason BUT it's inescapable that it DOES affect my enjoyment.

So essentially what I do when rating a movie is I compare it to movies that I gave pretty mediocre scores to and see if I rate it above or below those before I decide on my rating. I could look at anything like Rawhead Rex or Lorna the Exorcist or something like that, movies which I may have given ratings of 6/10 for and decide, do I enjoy it more or less than those movies...

Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it more than those movies, so then I have to compare it to others that I have given lower scores. It may be sad to say as I respect the hell out of this movie for what it is in relation to when it was made, but my score would end up being maybe a 4/10.

I know giving it that type of rating seems like a slap in the face, I almost don't want to review it for that simple fact, but I guess it's important to be as honest as I can in relation to my tastes so if someone else comes along and compares scores etc, those results will reflect correctly rather than me giving it a good rating while never having a desire to ever watch it again.

But if it's any consolation, if someone asked me to recommend a really good silent movie, I'd have no hesitation in recommending The Man Who Laughs.

P.S. I only really watched it because my wife really enjoys these older movies, she really liked it.
Horror Talk / Re: The Man Who Laughs (1928)
June 22, 2018, 12:43:00 AM
I actually saw this recently, I'll probably add a review after the new site is up.
Horror Talk / Hereditary (2018)
June 15, 2018, 12:53:57 AM
Heridtary is a well-acted and interesting watch which leads with suspense rather than just loading up on cheap jump scares. I don't completely understand everything that happened during my first viewing but I am intrigued enough to re-visit it again when it's available on bluray and hopefully pick up a few things that flew over my head the first time around.

Have you checked out Hereditary yet?

Horror Talk / Re: Halloween (2018) Trailer
June 13, 2018, 10:10:29 PM
Quote from: Jigsaw on June 13, 2018, 09:51:20 AM
Interestingly enough, it looks like Happy Death Day grossed $31,097,137 (domestically) more than Prey at Night did. Even with Happy Death Day coming out five months before, that still seems significant.

There's three main things that helped Happy Death Day make more money...

1) PG rated films open themselves up to a wider market.
2) It was marketed to death. The trailer was played EVERYWHERE. I saw it before multiple non-horror movies at the theatres, all over TV, all over the internet. I barely heard anything leading up to the release of Prey at Night.
3) Happy Death Day had a wider release. Prey at Night only played 1 night only at my local theatre, which is a fairly popular theatre. Whereas HDD played for at least like 4 weeks with many sessions every day.

IMO, Prey at Night was the more superior film though, especially if you're a fan of slasher movies.

Halloween 2018 will definitely make a ton of cash, solely because of the franchise followers alone. The first trailer uploaded to YouTube already has 12mil views in 4 days.
Horror Talk / Re: The Devil's Candy (2015)
June 13, 2018, 08:57:04 AM
Been meaning to watch it as I've heard plenty of good reviews... just haven't got around to it yet.  [*uhoh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Halloween (2018) Trailer
June 13, 2018, 08:55:36 AM
The Strangers: Prey at Night
Horror Talk / Julie Darling (1983)
June 12, 2018, 12:59:49 PM
While the movie does have some lagging moments, I had a fine time watching Julie Darling. It's far from a perfect or pleasant experience, but it is different to most other movies out there and probably deserves more attention than what it has already received.

Have you ever checked it out?