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Messages - JasonzSon

Television / Re: Saturday Morning Cartoons
February 24, 2013, 06:55:23 PM
Might as well do this here.

This week - TMNT took a week off

Power Rangers - Okay episode.  We've probably seen this premise before but I haven't exactly been following all of the newest seasons so I couldn't tell you if it's recent.

Young Justice - Still waiting to see where they're going with this.  It's really a disappointment that they're canceling this, not because it's the best show ever, but because I can see every reason WHY they're canceling it.  The two poor decisions the writing department made were being too ambitious with the second season, and actually trusting the audience.  If I sound bitter it's because I am.  Anything that requires someone to pay attention to something for longer than an episode is absolutely beyond the scope of a modern audience and it just baffles the absolute fuckshit out of me that shows like the 1993 X-Men went on for over 5 seasons by being ridiculously complicated because people still watched it because it was awesome, while this, a much simpler show, is too complicated to hold the audience's attention and needs to be replaced with an all-comedy version of a show that people like because it was a good mix of comedy, action, and Batman TAS style drama.

Green Lantern - Every time I feel like my bitching and moaning about continuity is just that, bitching and moaning about continuity, they throw me for another loop.  Larfleeze losing all of his menace and actually having the concept of "giving"... why would they do that?  Why would they take one of the few two-dimensional characters that fans actually celebrate for being two-dimensional and try to change him? Sometimes I think the writers of this show just want to see how many ways they can fuck with obsessive fans.  I'm not intending to obsess, but this is probably the only change they've made that I can't rationalize in any way as to how this helps the story for new audiences.

See what happens when the best written show of the year takes a week off?  Meh, Season 1's almost over, too.
Horror Talk / Least Favorite Horror Sub-genre
February 24, 2013, 05:51:53 PM
I'm not expecting anybody to actually trash anything or anyone here, but we all pretty much have a horror sub-genre that actually disgusts us more than we want it to, or that we don't care anything for.

In the first category... I can't think of anything right now that's that bad for me, but I've got two that are close.  Pre-natal horror really gets to me; one movie is fine, but for example I couldn't watch more than an episode and a half straight of American Horror Story when they were doing that part of the story.  Rape is also something that I can't really watch, but I DO enjoy the second half of rape and revenge movies, so I can't flat out say that I dislike them.

In the second category... zombies.  Flat-out.  I don't know what it is, they've just been in so many places for as long as I can remember that I've been tired of them since before I could truly call myself a horror fan.  And, uh, if found footage can be considered a genre... yeah, don't care.  Not at all.
Horror Talk / Favorite Horror Sub-Genre
February 24, 2013, 05:29:38 PM
What Sub-genres of horror do you most enjoy watching?

I most go out of my way for slashers (preferably 80s), kaiju, and uh... is "awesome 80s horror" a genre?  The Fly, The Thing, etc.  I'm also a sucker for vampire films that I expect to actually be good (Nosferatu, Dracula, Fright Night, etc.).
Horror Talk / Re: Film Series with Seven Entries
February 24, 2013, 02:19:13 PM
No, that's why I crossed it off.  I didn't think Wikipedia would count something that wasn't definitely coming, either, but that's what I get for browsing Wikipedia instead of looking closely at each entry.
Horror Talk / Re: Film Series with Seven Entries
February 24, 2013, 01:13:25 PM
A film that may or may not exist, seeing as how closer inspection reveals it's supposed to come out next month.  Anybody ever see a trailer for "Leprechaun: Origins"?
Horror Talk / Film Series with Seven Entries
February 24, 2013, 12:44:00 PM
Okay guys, we did the longest horror film series we could think of.  How about series with 7 entries?  So far I've actually come up with less series than 8 or 9 films had, but I imagine there are some I haven't found yet.

  • Hammer Productions Frankenstein
  • Saw
  • Leprechaun
  • Godzilla Heisei Series
Note: Counting only official sequels, the Nightmare on Elm Street series would also belong on this list

Would you guys count Alien (4 films, 2 versus and a spin-off)?
Video Games / Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
February 24, 2013, 03:17:33 AM
I'm sure a friend of mine is going to be posting a Let's Play of this.  I also know that the internet as a whole has condemned it as a terrible game (both those who have and haven't played it).
Video Games / Re: Playstation 4 Unveiling/Conference
February 22, 2013, 11:42:48 AM
Quote from: L-Face on February 22, 2013, 11:15:59 AM
Quote from: JasonzSon on February 22, 2013, 10:48:34 AM
They've been Sony exclusive since #7, although I believe 13 came out on multiple consoles.
Pretty sure there have been a couple Final Fantasy games to pop up on the GBA.
I'm talking main series games, not spinoffs and remakes.  Numbered Final Fantasy games were Nintendo-exclusive for 1-6, Sony exclusive 7-12, and Sony and Microsoft for 13.  Not sure about 13-2.
Video Games / Re: Playstation 4 Unveiling/Conference
February 22, 2013, 10:48:34 AM
They've been Sony exclusive since #7, although I believe 13 came out on multiple consoles.
Video Games / Re: Social Games
February 22, 2013, 10:47:30 AM
Quote from: Doomed Knight on February 22, 2013, 09:50:31 AM
you know an online Scrabble game?
There's a free version of actual Scrabble for Android, and Words with Friends (essentially the same thing) is available on Android and Facebook, probably more interfaces as well.
Video Games / Re: What's the Last Video Game You Played?
February 22, 2013, 09:39:32 AM
I've been killing stress with Yugi-Oh: Duelist of the Roses.  It's fairly simply and obviously made to cash in on the popularity of the show at the time (about 2002 or so), but it's functional to burn stress if you're a fan of trading card games in any way.
Video Games / Social Games
February 22, 2013, 09:36:56 AM
Anybody here use Words with Friends, or anything like that?  I'm always game for a Scrabble match.
Video Games / Re: Playstation 4 Unveiling/Conference
February 22, 2013, 09:35:55 AM
I would disagree with you harder if, by all accounts, Final Fantasy 13 wasn't terrible.
Video Games / Re: Playstation 4 Unveiling/Conference
February 22, 2013, 06:48:21 AM
I followed the news from some people I know who were watching it.  Seems pretty lackluster all around.

Eh, I'll probably experience a PS3 when my future roommates buy one; PS4 eventually after that.
Perhaps an area would be appropriate where the FAQ, the Introductions thread, and this one (along with threads discussing other parts of the site when they exist) could be kept, free of all the general goings-on.