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Welcome Back AKA Introductions

Started by JasonzSon, February 05, 2013, 03:31:46 AM

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Quote from: Boobar Scanhound on February 11, 2013, 12:04:45 PM
hello, I am human who enjoy many great horror film, I also enjoy film where man fall from height and crush nuts, preferably flagpole.

I like you.

Doomed Knight

oya all! your favorite talking Bullhead is back!!!!
or DKhead for Chuckey.

for those who doesn't know, I'm from Québec too
my name is Bôme, you may try to say it, but only Shadow was able to pronnounce it right. once.

yes it's a nickname, because I hate my real name. only family has the right to say it, and Crash, of course.

it's good to be back, even if I'm 2 weeks late, cuz of Crash <(è_é)>

sooooooooooo yeah, I hope the site will stay alive for a long long time.


Quote from: Doomed Knight on February 15, 2013, 03:46:04 PM
my name Bôme, you may try to say it, but only Shadow was able to pronnounce it right. once.

Ok, I'm gonna try...





Crash Dummie

Crash Dummie

Doomed Knight

yeah.... mmmh... well...

like Cedric Digory said, better be a Hufflepuff than a Slytherin

Quote from: Akasha on February 16, 2013, 05:24:33 AM

2 points for Ravenclaw!!! the Dean loves the sexy laugh.


Quote from: Chucky on February 15, 2013, 05:34:48 PM
Quote from: Doomed Knight on February 15, 2013, 03:46:04 PM
my name Bôme, you may try to say it, but only Shadow was able to pronnounce it right. once.

Ok, I'm gonna try...





Doomed Knight


As the screen name alludes, I'm Kenny. I was never a member here, but I was a member of a (inferior) horror site with Jiggy and he mentioned that if FE ever got back on it's feet, to head on over. Hi, Jigs!

Anyhoo, nice to meet you all.


Welcome aboard, Kenny. I thought we'd never get some new blood here again.


Thanks, Dorkus. <----That's fun to say.

Doomed Knight