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Horror Movie Checklist 2020

Started by Jigsaw, January 02, 2020, 07:50:26 AM

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This has been an on-and-off Fight Evil thread since at least 2006 (, and I always thought it was a cool idea, and a good way to motivate each of us to watch some movies we've wanted to see but just haven't gotten to for one reason or another.

Quoting Dorkus here, "For those who didn't see the old threads, you basically make a checklist of horror movies you have never seen, along with a mini-review and score. I found it a good way to motivate me to rack up more horrors.

You can make the checklist as long as you want it to be, but I'm going with the same 5 movies per checklist rule as last time."

Ideally, if you stick with just five films, you can get this done easily by the end of the year, and I think it's a great idea to try and revive it.

Two on a Guillotine (1965) [Decently solid mystery, story, and had a good time with it with few major complaints] [Rating: 8.5/10] [10/09/2020]

Opera (1987) [Small review] [Rating] [Date watched]

The Black Castle (1952) [Small review] [Rating] [Date watched]

Wolfen (1981) [Small review] [Rating] [Date watched]

Lighthouse (1999) [Small review] [Rating] [Date watched]


This was always fun.

Us (2019) - [ ] [ ] [ ]
The People Under the Stairs (1991) - [ ] [ ] [ ]
The Greasy Strangler (2016) - [ ] [ ] [ ]
Amityville II: The Possession (1982) - [ ] [ ] [ ]
Terrifier (2016) - [ Pretty fun flick but not the masterpiece I kept hearing it was. The highlights are the awesome gore and the performance of Art (which they keep calling a clown even though he's clearly a fucking MIME), but otherwise it just becomes a standard slasher movie seen plenty of times before.] [ 6/10] [ Seen on Jan 14th]


Definitely not a fan of The Greasy Strangler, but those others movies are pretty solid (haven't seen Us, and only vaguely remember Amityville II, to be fair).  [*thumbsup*]


Hey Dorkus, don't mind Jiggy... he's a total bullshit artist. The Greasy Strangler is the tits. [*thumbsup*]


Cross Terrifier off the list for me.


You're not wrong about Terrifier. Make no mistake, I probably enjoy it more than you, but it is essentially only fantastic in terms of the gore and Art's performance (his scenes in the diner still creep me out).


ahh remember this one of my favorite threads  [*deal*] [*deal*]

and might i add this is going to be so much easier to pull off with the advent of streaming services such as shudder netflix ect

for my five

1. slumber party massacre
slumber party massacre (1982)
This one i was really surprised with how well it ended up i really enjoyed this one
I think it showcased the  killers patters and motives well , the pacing was top notch with the kills piling in right away. not a wide variety of kill styles but it fit.
was it perfect no but its up there  it went  from the style of cutting away from the kills to showing the full on gorey goodness which annoyed me a little, it has massacre in the title come on.  There were also some minor plot holes and wtf moments
overall a very good movie that falls a little short of great 8.5/10

2. the last showing

I had sort of high hopes going into this one and had been wanting to watch it for a while being it stars horror legend Robert Englund.

First the good points
Robert was brilliant as usual  and gave the sole shining performance  of the film.
His theater projectionist character was creepy , believable and menacing.
The concept of the film was interesting and something different.
As far as good points thats it.

Now the bad
The other characters in the film were  dull, poorly acted, and  didn't bring much to the table.
I just couldn't make my self care what happened to them and could wait for Roberts character to get back on screen.
Pacing was gruelingly slow and there just wasn't a lot going on. Death count was low and far between was more of a build up film but the build up just didn't work.
The plot also didn't make sense as it went along. As enjoyable as Robert is to watch he just couldn't carry this stinker alone.

Overall a very passable let down of a film with a few bright spots
2.5 out of 10     

2 for Robert and a half for the interesting premise.

3.bloody birthday

4.  Tenebrae
    A nice horror slasher/murder mystery in that classic argento style
does get off to a slow start and does drag at times but overall pretty good and worth the watch.  7/10      seen jul 31

5.  deathgasm
A bloody death medal infused fun ride of a horror film well more of a horror/comedy.
This was a great watch some of the most off the wall brutal gore iv seen in a while with a metal score that works well in this horror romp that has a metal garage band open the gates of hell  with its music
a little over the top on the humor side at times but overall a great film worth the watch



score added for deathgasm

on a side note if you have yet to see it go watch deathgasm [*deal*]


added one for slumber part massacre 


Slumber Party Massacre is a lot of fun. I personally hate the second one, but the third one's pretty competent. Nothing near as fun as the first movie, though. Glad you dug it.


Quote from: Jigsaw on July 11, 2020, 05:45:22 AM
Slumber Party Massacre is a lot of fun. I personally hate the second one, but the third one's pretty competent. Nothing near as fun as the first movie, though. Glad you dug it.

it was a lot better than what i was expecting to be honest.

score added for tenebrae


Updated for Two on a Guillotine. [*thumbsup*]