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Messages - Jigsaw

Random time-frame aside, I know that many of us aren't watching as much horror as we used to. I know that we may watch the same old horror movies again and again, and rarely take a chance with new stuff (not without reason).

I just wanted to list some horror films I enjoyed from 2013 to present day, if for no other reason to bring attention to them. I may briefly discuss each of these with a mini-review later on, but for now, I just wanted to list the movies.

1. Curse of Chucky (2013)
2. Hatchet III (2013)
3. Evidence (2013)
4. Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
5. Wer (2013)
6. The Den (2013)
7. Stage Fright (2014)
8. Mischief Night (2013)
9. Don't Go to the Reunion (2013)
10. As Above, So Below (2014)
11. The Boy (2016) - Saw this in theaters, and despite the dull middle-portion of the film, sort of liked it.
12. The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
13. Jockstrap Slaughterhouse (2016)
14. The Visit (2015)
15. The Unspoken (2015)
16. The Lesson (2015)
17. Hush (2016)
18. Almost Mercy (2015)
19. House of Purgatory (2016)
20. The Amityville Legacy (2016)
21. Miles Before Sleep (2016)

And here are some films that I was quite disappointed with (keep in mind these aren't necessarily bad, I just hoped I'd like them more than I did):

1. Are We the Waiting (2017)
2. Seclusion (2015)
3. Pet (2016)
4. Fender Bender (2016)
5. Cabin Fever (2016)
6. Some Kind of Hate (2015)
7. The Blackburn Asylum (2015) - Possibly one of the most generic movies I've seen in some time.
8. Don't Breathe (2016)
9. Fear, Inc. (2016)
10. Green Room (2015)
11. House of Whores (2015)
12. Friend Request (2016)
13. The Harvesting (2015)
14. The Hornet's Sting and the Hell It's Caused (2014)
15. Bound to Vengeance (2015)
16. Contracted (2013)
17. The Conjuring (2013)
18. Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

Lastly, here's a few films that were legit atrocious:

1. Exeter (2015)
2. The Hexecutioners (2015)
3. Isle of the Dead (2016)

Anyhow, if anyone's seen any of these, or has any comments/questions/anger, please let me know.  [*browwink*]
Did you look into the bigger third parties (Libertarian and Green) at all? I ask because I know many people hated both Clinton and Trump (as do I), but not everyone looked at necessarily all the choices they had (third party candidates, official write-in candidates, what have you).

Did you have anyone in the Democratic or Republican primaries who you were most hoping would win? A Jeb Bush, maybe, or a Martin O'Malley?

I consider myself a progressive, a leftist, a socialist, whatever term you care to use. And from my far-left perspective, I am glad that Clinton lost - like you said, everyone was acting like she was 100% going to win, and she didn't need to do anything to earn the votes that would cause that win.

Remember, she told the DNC to boost up candidates like Ben Carson and Donald Trump because she thought she'd have an easier time winning against the "crazy" Republicans as opposed to the John Kasichs and Jeb Bushs of the Party.

Also remember that Clinton lost Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Michigan last went Republican in a presidential election 1988. Last time Wisconsin went Republican was 1984. Ohio last went Republican (sort of - there's evidence of machine rigging) in 2004. And Pennsylvania last went Republican in 1988.

And not only did Clinton lose some of these states, she lost all of them (along with Iowa, which is just embarrassing)..

Without a doubt, Clinton was one of the worst Democratic candidates in a long time. Honestly, I think Michael Dukakis (1988) was a better candidate.  No Democrat worth his or her salt should be losing those four states like she did.

Like you said, Trump is terrible, but everything we've seen shows that the RNC allowed the people to choose their candidate, and though they didn't like Trump, they didn't rig any primaries against him, which is completely unlike the outright illicit actions of the DNC.

I dislike Trump, but Clinton losing to him serves the corrupt Democratic Party and Clinton right. The fact she lost to Trump is so laughable - just shows what an atrocious candidate she was.

Trump's done some negative things, but to me, it's basically no different from what any other Republican would like to do. Only difference is he's more open and blunt about it.

I went for a political science degree from college, and am deeply informed (or at least, I like to believe so) on the issues I find important, so I always like talking politics. I can't stand the Democratic or Republican parties, and am basically right now just a supporter of people looking at third party choices, as we need to break away from this stifling two-party system.

Looking at Clinton and Trump and choosing the lesser of two evils is like trying to nail a pin on a donkey while drunk - it doesn't matter how hard you try, you're not going to do well.

Sorry for the lengthy reply, but as I said, I find politics deeply interesting, and am always willing to give my two thoughts on anything going on.

Out of interest, if you had Senate races or gubernatorial races to vote on, did you choose to vote in those races? Or are you a purely presidential voter, with little interest in other races?
Random Bullshit / Who did you vote for in 2016?
May 04, 2017, 06:46:11 AM
No idea if political discussions are frowned upon here - it's been so long since FE's been really active that I both don't quite remember and more so, wasn't into politics back then.

I'm simply curious, should you be an American citizen, who you voted for in the Presidential race last year, and a quick explanation of why. Also, if you chose not to vote (which is a valid choice), that'd be interesting to know also.

No idea how many FE members care to discuss politics, but screw it, thought I'd make a thread about it.

As for me, I wrote in Jill Stein of the Green Party. Now, Indiana only had three names on the actual ballot (Trump, Clinton, Johnson), but 15 approved write-in candidates. Stein was one of those approved write-in candidates, and thus I gave her my vote.

Two other candidates I considered writing in included Mimi Soltysik (of the Socialist Party USA) and Monica Moorehead (of the Worker's World Party) - both decently solid choices, though my heart was with Moorehead. All that said, Stein seemed the practical choice, and thus I voted for her without too much hesitation.

As an aside, I didn't vote for a single Republican or Democrat down-ticket (Indiana had both a gubernatorial and senate election 2016), and even voted for a Libertarian for my district's House seat.

If you're at all interested, what's your election day/early voting story?
Horror Talk / Re: Rawhead Rex coming to bluray
April 29, 2017, 05:31:48 AM
I've only seen Rawhead Rex once, and it was mildly fun for what it was, but I can't help but think with all the hype De gave it, I was hoping for something a bit more.
Horror Talk / Re: It
April 01, 2017, 08:04:27 PM
I like the 1990 mini-series for nostalgia, but it really drops the ball in comparison with the novel, leaving quite a bit out.

Obviously, the cast of the 1990 version mostly did a great job, and this cast of children looks moderately soulless in comparison (though the trailer we have didn't focus on the children, I know).

The jump scare at the end of the trailer made me cringe a bit, but hopefully that's just marketing. I'm pretty excited for this, and will certainly see it in theaters come September.
Horror Talk / It
March 31, 2017, 11:57:28 AM
Obviously, the new re-adaptation of It is coming out this September.

I'm sure most of you have seen the trailer.

Anyone has any opinions on this one way or another?

I know the board's more or less inactive, but this seemed a good topic nonetheless.
Are We the Waiting (2017)

This is the first movie from 2017 I've seen, and the second Michael Taylor Pritt film I've been able to watch (Mile Before Sleep, which I previously reviewed, being the first one). And though this is Pritt's newest film, I actually preferred Miles Before Sleep. Before any of that, though, let's briefly discuss this movie. A group of five friends go to a secluded house to party before two of them defect to Canada, but shortly after getting there, they're stalked and killed off by a mysterious killer. The plot's simple enough, and honestly, the film doesn't throw many unique plot points out at you. The kills are decently done (especially one toward the end), but overall, I don't know how memorable they'd be. The design of the killer's mask (which is partially glow-in-the-dark) is pretty cool, and other small things, such as the atmosphere (save for the ending, which I'll expand on shortly) work out well. The acting's a mixed bag – I rather liked most of Pritt's acting, and others, such as Alyssa Cordial and Rob Pemberton, did a pretty good job, but some of Bridgette Kidd's lines felt forced. Actually, quite a bit of the dialogue was flaky, and sometimes fell a bit flat, but most of the time, that was tolerable. One of the places this was most notable, though, was the reveal of the killer. It felt a bit rushed, and I think that's something that could have been done better. The final ten minutes felt rather out of place, though. Obviously, I won't go over plot points, but let's say that the ending, in my opinion, came out of left field, and really, I didn't feel the final ten minutes were necessary. At an hour and 15 minutes (the final five minutes being credits), I think the movie could have been cut down a little bit, maybe trimming the ending (or removing it entirely) and a few scenes throughout the film. Miles Before Sleep, not counting the outtakes, was around 53 minutes, so given how this one was about twenty minutes longer, I couldn't help but feel as though it was dragging a few times throughout the film. All this said, it's a perfectly acceptable low-budget slasher flick. It's more formulaic than Miles Before Sleep was (or at least that's my impression), but I rather liked the group of friends as a whole, and thought that they did well together. It's a bit below average, but for a fan of lower-budget horror, it may well be worth checking out. 6/10.
Random Bullshit / Re: Suck my Cock!
March 06, 2017, 01:20:29 AM
Quote from: Shadow on March 05, 2017, 12:42:21 PM
Quote from: Jigsaw on February 04, 2017, 06:37:28 PMAt least with the spam, there's some traffic. :p

Always look on the bright side, I've often said.
Well it looks like there's been some activity relatively recently... we've gone from blue to green.

Any good news, maybe?

I certainly hope so.

I'm a member of various horror forums, but it seems to me most are content with staying on their own sites, rarely venturing out to new forums. When we get more active, I'll do what I can to bring a stray member or so here.

Nonetheless, good times are ahead, hopefully.
Random Bullshit / Re: Suck my Cock!
February 04, 2017, 06:37:28 PM
Quote from: Chucky on January 31, 2017, 04:53:02 PM
Gotta love that a spam bot chose this thread to comment in.  [*browwink*]

At least with the spam, there's some traffic. :p

Always look on the bright side, I've often said.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror Movie Checklist 2013
August 04, 2014, 02:42:28 AM
Updated old list completely, perhaps a new one will be constructed.
Random Bullshit / Re: Anybody remember me?
August 04, 2014, 02:21:13 AM
Metalwayz. God.

I haven't been on in over a year. I was one of the first to rejoin once the site came back.

I know this sounds sappy, but you guys have no idea how much Fight Evil means to me. Just seeing these smileys  [*hehehmm*]  [*yummy*]  [*uhoh*] brings back so many memories. I was thinking yesterday about fight evil, and why I stopped coming most recently - I was scared that it would die again, only it would go out with a whimper.

It may happen, but I'm not deserting the site again. I will stand here until the end.

Just seeing the name Metalwayz brought back so much. To be honest, I don't remember much about you. I was an annoying prick all those years ago in Fight Evil prime. I hope this finds you well, though, whole-heartily.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 29, 2013, 09:55:28 PM
I have a shrewd theory that that's a clue. [*uhoh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 29, 2013, 07:20:36 AM
Looks familiar, but as to the movie, I'm unsure.  [*no*]
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 28, 2013, 09:34:52 PM
I would hope so - pretty interesting film actually. Anyhow, well done, De. You're up.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 27, 2013, 09:00:57 PM
Also, one of the actors (not pictured) is living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, and having a wonderful time (that is, until he died in 1996).