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Messages - gorefan1428


A bloody death medal infused fun ride of a horror film well more of a horror/comedy.
This was a great watch some of the most off the wall brutal gore iv seen in a while with a metal score that works well in this horror romp that has a metal garage band open the gates of hell  with its music
a little over the top on the humor side at times but overall a great film worth the watch


Quote from: Jigsaw on May 26, 2020, 06:28:36 AM
I'm all down with that. I never had any contact info with anyone, but if you can pull a few people back, that'd definitely be cool.

me either
But maybe we can get chuck to get off his arse and send out a mass email or something  [*browwink*]
Horror Talk / Re: Horror Movie Checklist 2020
May 26, 2020, 06:37:59 AM
ahh remember this one of my favorite threads  [*deal*] [*deal*]

and might i add this is going to be so much easier to pull off with the advent of streaming services such as shudder netflix ect

for my five

1. slumber party massacre
slumber party massacre (1982)
This one i was really surprised with how well it ended up i really enjoyed this one
I think it showcased the  killers patters and motives well , the pacing was top notch with the kills piling in right away. not a wide variety of kill styles but it fit.
was it perfect no but its up there  it went  from the style of cutting away from the kills to showing the full on gorey goodness which annoyed me a little, it has massacre in the title come on.  There were also some minor plot holes and wtf moments
overall a very good movie that falls a little short of great 8.5/10

2. the last showing

I had sort of high hopes going into this one and had been wanting to watch it for a while being it stars horror legend Robert Englund.

First the good points
Robert was brilliant as usual  and gave the sole shining performance  of the film.
His theater projectionist character was creepy , believable and menacing.
The concept of the film was interesting and something different.
As far as good points thats it.

Now the bad
The other characters in the film were  dull, poorly acted, and  didn't bring much to the table.
I just couldn't make my self care what happened to them and could wait for Roberts character to get back on screen.
Pacing was gruelingly slow and there just wasn't a lot going on. Death count was low and far between was more of a build up film but the build up just didn't work.
The plot also didn't make sense as it went along. As enjoyable as Robert is to watch he just couldn't carry this stinker alone.

Overall a very passable let down of a film with a few bright spots
2.5 out of 10     

2 for Robert and a half for the interesting premise.

3.bloody birthday

4.  Tenebrae
    A nice horror slasher/murder mystery in that classic argento style
does get off to a slow start and does drag at times but overall pretty good and worth the watch.  7/10      seen jul 31

5.  deathgasm
A bloody death medal infused fun ride of a horror film well more of a horror/comedy.
This was a great watch some of the most off the wall brutal gore iv seen in a while with a metal score that works well in this horror romp that has a metal garage band open the gates of hell  with its music
a little over the top on the humor side at times but overall a great film worth the watch

Horror Talk / Re: Horror Movie Checklist 2019
May 26, 2020, 06:36:53 AM
lol i can do that
civilization vi  pc

its free on the  epic game store right now for anyone interested  [*deal*]
Music / Re: Last Song You Listened To
May 26, 2020, 04:56:44 AM

best motorhead song imo
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
May 26, 2020, 04:49:02 AM
damit chuck if i can do it after 7 years so can you lazy bastard  [*hehehmm*]

how else we going to bring this place back to life if there are no active post?
Quote from: Jigsaw on May 25, 2020, 05:28:24 PM
It's one of those situations in which you can't drag a horse to water.

If I recall, De had a pretty good reason for not being more active (he didn't watch horror nearly as much as he used to), and if that's true for multiple members across the board, while we can try and let them know we're still going, I don't want to be in the position to shame anyone into getting back on. If they want to be a more active participant, then it's all good and well, but if they're not really watching horror anymore, then it's a decent reason to retire from forums like this.

im not talking about begging people or harassing them to come back.

just a little contact message saying some of us or posting again some never stopped we'd like to have you back sort of deal with maybe a link to the forums.

i think it would only take 10 or so counting the 4 of us to get things rolling again and maybe add some new faces.
hell reach out to who you can.
That number is probably out dated
Horror Talk / Re: Grizzly (1976)
May 25, 2020, 10:56:50 AM
It creeped  me out as a kid. I haven't watched it since i was like 8 though so i'm afraid ill go back and watch it and ill be completely let down. Believe ill just leave this as a vague memory from childhood than to go back and rewatch.
Random Bullshit / Reaching out to older members
May 25, 2020, 10:48:29 AM
Anyone have a way to reach out to some of the other older members to try to get them back to the boards?

or even bring in some new ones for that matter.

Would be nice to see F.E. off life support and hopping again.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror Movie Checklist 2019
May 25, 2020, 10:43:11 AM
updated  [*deal*]
The last showing

I had sort of high hopes going into this one and had been wanting to watch it for a while being it stars horror legend Robert Englund.

First the good points
Robert was brilliant as usual  and gave the sole shining performance  of the film.
His theater projectionist character was creepy , believable and menacing.
The concept of the film was interesting and something different.
As far as good points thats it.

Now the bad
The other characters in the film were  dull, poorly acted, and  didn't bring much to the table.
I just couldn't make my self care what happened to them and could wait for Roberts character to get back on screen.
Pacing was gruelingly slow and there just wasn't a lot going on. Death count was low and far between was more of a build up film but the build up just didn't work.
The plot also didn't make sense as it went along. As enjoyable as Robert is to watch he just couldn't carry this stinker alone.

Overall a very passable let down of a film with a few bright spots
2.5 out of 10     

2 for Robert and a half for the interesting premise.

Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
May 25, 2020, 10:23:27 AM
Quote from: Shadow on May 24, 2020, 12:32:52 PM
He's at the that sweet spot age for the Corona. [*deal*]

De probably has had every std and virus known to man you think some silly super china flu is going to do him in?
Random Bullshit / Re: Attack of the Sniffles
May 25, 2020, 10:20:59 AM
I know i probably have a different view than some on this topic but i just don't buy into all the fear hype.
I know in the U.S states and hospitals just gain to much money  by classifying every death as a "covid death" or even sicknesses  so many of the numbers here are probably way over blown.

I have no doubts that the virus is a real thing. worth shutting down the worlds economy and bringing many to financial ruin while the government  stretches the limits of its power?  I say no.   
From what iv read and gathered it doesn't  seem to be worse than  the common flu strands that go around every year.

Are some people more susceptible than others,probably.
But its mainly those that are just more susceptible in general.

I work around a lot of people and have a close group of people i actually care about and there are times when i actually go out.
The thing that gets me in my area, No one i'm seeing  or hearing about from others  is sick much less has anyone been proven to have this virus.
I'm just the type that believes whats in front of me not what i'm hearing.