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Movies I liked at first but now find Meh

Started by DeraiLer, March 09, 2013, 07:34:00 AM

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Crash Dummie

Most recently would be TDKR (a.k.a.: BATMAN WITH BANE 2).

It was fun the first time around, but by the second time I'd seen it, I would notice all the plot holes and continuity errors, and how so many scenes were stupid/downright cheesy...

Honestly, it's a pretty movie, with many fun scenes, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I don't really like it.


Crash Dummie

Bane was indeed fucking great. I love Tom Hardy, and he kicked ass in this movie.

And now we can make fun of the voice of another character than Batman.


Quote from: DeraiLer on March 09, 2013, 01:53:39 PM
I might need to rewatch Blade 2 but I remember thinking it was the best of the set.
It's the best of the series by far. Mostly because Guillermo Del Toro is a fantastic director. Also didn't hurt that Ron Perlman was awesome in it.


Oh, I suppose I should mention the Star Wars prequels.  I loved them when I saw them in theatres, but I find them less and less interesting with subsequent viewings.  It doesn't help that my ex absolutely loves them.


Quote from: Crash Dummie on March 11, 2013, 02:17:52 PM
Bane was indeed fucking great. I love Tom Hardy, and he kicked ass in this movie.

And now we can make fun of the voice of another character than Batman.
Currently my favorite thing on the internet:

Honestly, though. I still love The Dark Knight Rises. Perhaps more so than The Dark Knight. Sure, it has some problems, but I can easily overlook them for the enjoyment factor the film provides. Plus, I love Nolan giving the finger to everyone that asked for Robin to be in the movies. Well played, Nolan. Well played.

Anyways, I can't really think of a specific movie that I liked at first and then found to be only "meh." That's not to say that I don't have those feelings towards specific movies, because I do. It's just early as fuck, I just woke up, and I'm drawing a blank.

Doomed Knight

I didn't enjoy Rises, I watched it once, and I don't think I'll ever watch it again.

and I thought of another movie that I  find "Meh" now.

Jurassic park 2

I still enjoy the first one, and I thought I enjoyed the second. but I tried to watch it yesterday, and I got bored.


Child's Play gets sillier everytime I watch it, sorry Chuck.


Oh... Rises.  When Crash said 2 I was thinking he was talking about the animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns.  I hate it when they re-use an acronym.

And no, for the record, I haven't watched it, so I wouldn't know if it had Bane in it or not.


If you're talking about the Dark Knight Returns, no Bane. The comics came out before Bane existed. Should give the movies/comics a watch/read. They're great.


So these were the last comics made before Frank lost his mind?   I seem to recall hearing that the decline had started in this story.

Crash Dummie

He lost it at either Robocop, or The God Damn Batman.


No, ASBAR is full blown insanity from the first page on.  He had clearly lost it well before starting that story.


Quick short and to the point. I loved Conan the Destroyer as a kid. By about the time I was 18 I finally started to see how bad it was, though the music is still great, to bad most of the rest is really yawn fest.

Crash Dummie


Age and the shitty sequels DID NOT do this movie any good. It's still decent, and the best of the bunch, but meh.