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Valentine's Day

Started by DrumrbaxJ, February 10, 2013, 12:31:00 AM

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Feel free to cry in here lads. This is a safe place. None shall judge.


I might if I gave a damn anymore.


Don't assume. Maybe I have someone this year.

I don't, but fuck you.

Crash Dummie


What do you mean, guys?  [*hehehmm*] I hate Valentine's day and have a bf... Women around the world hate me now.


hey my ex contacted me in the last week. i think she just wants the d on valentines day.


Quote from: Giddins on February 10, 2013, 08:38:35 AM
hey my ex contacted me in the last week. i think she just wants the d on valentines day.



Quote from: Giddins on February 10, 2013, 08:38:35 AM
hey my ex contacted me in the last week. i think she just wants the d on valentines day.

Better get it in shape then!  [*thumbsup*]



Quote from: Shadow on February 10, 2013, 09:47:58 AM
Dildo. She remembered why they broke up. [*hehehmm*]
thats a bit nasty. well played my friend


Sighs another day I've to spend an obscene amount of money

Midian Fiend

Don't like it either, huge waste of money. I think its only for teens and people that have just fallen in love and make normal people sick. Been married for 9 years so over it now.


Fuck Valentines Day...Pancake Day has arrived!


It's supposed to snow kind of bad here on Valentine's Day, so I'll probably just break up with my girlfriend tomorrow so I won't have to worry about not being able to see her on Thursday.


Well, it's looking like I'll have my old job back by then. At least I'll have money coming again... that's alright by me.