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Marble Hornets

Started by DrumrbaxJ, February 05, 2013, 03:14:59 AM

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Who else has scoped these out?

Crash Dummie

I've seen a few of them. They're good, but I haven't seen enough of them to get into them; I've mostly seeked out the ones where Slender Man was showing up, possibly ruining the surprise for myself.

The Slender Man story is creepy enough, and I can barely play the "Slender" game, but not being fully immersed in the Marble Hornets series, they never made me jump. And this is my fault more than the videos' fault.


I can't watch them at night or I won't sleep. It's fucked.

Crash Dummie

Yeah, I can only assume that if you start at the beginning, not knowing what you're getting into, it has to be really fucking creepy when weird stuff starts happening.

The Slender Man mythos has a way of giving me the jibblies even though I don't believe in anything supernatural, and that we know it was entirely made up by some guy on the internet.


I had started watching them from the beginning, but I haven't seen them in probably about a year or more... so I'm a bit out of touch with it at the moment. Maybe I should give them another watch one of these days. I remember that they were pretty good, especially considering they're made (or at least were made) with basically no budget.


I can't remember where I got up to, but I feel the same Shadow. Need to pick it back up.
And Slenderman was developed by someone on 4chan I believe, if not a conglomerate of /b/tards.



A series of youtube videos involving Slenderman that are incredibly creepy and downright scary at some points. Give it a google for a better description than I can give half asleep.


The last part I remember seeing was when he's in the motel with that new chick that he met. I think I may have watched farther than that, but that's the last thing that I remember.


I didn't get that far. I was having trouble watching them, honestly. Haha.


It picks up and slows down on a regular basis from what I remember.


One minute I'm freaking out the next I'm trying to think. He's pretty clever.


The very early, short episodes that establish the story are great and creepy (Entries #1 and #6 are particularly pants-wetting). The newer ones are kind of boring and slow, probably since a lot of them are pushing 10 minutes or more.


Fuck that. I could watch a real show with that kind of time.