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Messages - Jigsaw

Sure, the actors may not be at their best in this movie, and the designs for the new Cenobites are utterly atrocious, but the biggest problem Hellraiser III has is, despite it's connections to the first two movies, it's entirely different in tone. Replacing the strong epic fantasy feeling of the second movie with cheesy lines and some pretty bad CGI, this movie, while not necessarily bad, is likely a disappointment to fans of the original two.

What did you think about the third Hellraiser film?

Horror Talk / Maciste in Hell (1925)
May 19, 2018, 10:39:25 PM
On of the earliest Italian horror movies (with strong fantasy and action also), the one word that can best describe Maciste all'inferno is fun. It's a fun movie, with all-out brawls taking place in the bowels of Hell, some great special effects that still entertain to this day, and with the right print, a digestible length, even if silent films aren't typically your thing.

Have you seen this early Italian flick?

No doubt, I'd just never heard it before. It's probably most likely due to the fact I have my IMDb set to show the original titles, not most common (which is, by the way, why for most foreign movies, I know the foreign name better than the English one).  [*laugh*]

As it is, I noticed that I have this movie in my watch list on IMDb, which is a list of horror flicks I want to see, so I probably should have watched it when you did. Since I didn't, I may try to watch this within the next week or so.
I've not seen this one, but wanted to point out that at first, I was taken aback, because I hadn't heard of it. Upon further inspection, the film is also known as Night Warning, which is what I think of the film as.

Like you said, I don't see this one being brought up all that often, but the little I have heard about it has been decently positive (as the rating on IMDb would lead one to believe). I see it has Svenson in it, and though I've not seen much with him, I did like him in the 1977 television movie Snowbeast.

While not amazing, based off your review, at the very least, it seems worth at least one viewing, especially if you're a fan of 80's slashers.
Funnily enough, before I rewatched it, that's much what I thought I'd rate it. Hopefully it still works for you, but it didn't click for me.
Music / Re: Last Song You Listened To
May 17, 2018, 07:19:56 AM

Some very early Deep Purple, and a good example of some of the earlier metal. Not as enjoyable as some of Blue Cheer's stuff from their first album, but "Mandrake Root" is still fun.
Horror Talk / Black Rock (2012)
May 17, 2018, 07:02:56 AM
Black Rock, after just around twenty minutes or so, begins dragging, and that doesn't really bode well. The story's fine, and the characters feel real, but when everything's said and done, this movie is a bit below average. Might be worth one viewing, but probably no more than that.

What feelings did Black Rock elicit in you?

Horror Talk / Fear Island (2009)
May 17, 2018, 06:47:40 AM
Fear Island's biggest sin is that the story's presentation (an unreliable narrator) is far from original, and has been done better (both in the genre and not). It's not a necessarily bad movie, but I think that, all things considered, it's pretty bland and forgettable.

What did you think of Fear Island?

Horror Talk / Re: Cult Of Chucky (2017)
May 15, 2018, 08:51:52 AM
I would say that this is better than Bride of, but it lacks the cohesion I'd have hoped for, and while it had fantastic cinematography, at points it felt like style over substance.

My review is now up. [*thumbsup*]
Other Movies / Re: Bloodsport (1988)
May 15, 2018, 07:21:40 AM
I've only seen Van Damme in two movies, one being the fun Sudden Death (1995), the other being the moderately terrible In Hell (2003).

This being said, if I ever did go out of my way to watch another of his movies, Bloodsport is probably the one I'd pick.
Horror Talk / Pray for Morning (2006)
May 15, 2018, 04:57:33 AM
Pray for Morning is an interesting film that occasionally dabbles in some experimental camera-work, but the story is sort of bland, and the lower budget certainly didn't help. The biggest problems, though, are the characters are given little distinguishing features, along with a plot twist toward the end that didn't much make sense.

Have you seen this film, and if so, what did you think?

Horror Talk / The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
May 15, 2018, 04:44:56 AM
While this remake certainly has some solid gore and settings, I just couldn't shake how bland I felt it was. Might be worth seeing, but even though I'm not a big fan of the original, I'd much recommend that one.

What did you think of this remake of the classic?

Horror Talk / Re: Wishmaster (1997)
May 12, 2018, 01:22:36 PM
And once again, we basically give the same rating to a movie. We're apparently closer in our tastes than I initially suspected.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Hellraiser: Judgment (2018)
May 12, 2018, 04:37:43 AM
As long as it's better than Revelations, and from everything I've heard about it, it probably is, I'll gladly give it a look.
Horror Talk / Wishmaster (1997)
May 09, 2018, 04:49:20 AM
Wishmaster has a B-movie atmosphere, which I really think helps it go a long way. Most of the actors and actresses do well (and as horror fans, we get plenty of characters to root for, such as Tony Todd), but the shining light of the film are the special effects, most of which still look pretty damn good.

What did you think of this late 1990's addition to the horror genre?