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Messages - Chucky

Random Bullshit / Re: ECHO... Echo... echo...
November 17, 2022, 09:55:43 PM
I used to be strictly desktop in my 20's. But in my 30's I've been using laptop in personal time and still use my desktop mostly for work and also when I do the podcasts.
I saw Orphan: First Kill in theatre last week. Actually pretty good. Just when you think they're re-hashing the same type of movie, it adds a nice twist halfway through. Somewhere around 7-8 / 10.
Music / Re: Best songs from horror films
August 14, 2022, 01:28:55 AM
Quote from: Jigsaw on July 17, 2022, 02:08:09 AM
Quote from: Chucky on July 17, 2022, 01:39:08 AM
Katie Irving - "I Never Dreamed Someone Like You (Could Love Someone Like Me)"

Have to admit, I don't remember this one, but then again, I only watch Carrie when I have to. Definitely a solid song.

I believe it is sung by Amy Irving's sister.
Video Games / Re: phasmophobia
August 14, 2022, 12:27:47 AM
I was never good at the game, I just found the right combo of cock punches and elbows to the face without getting disqualified.  [*browwink*]
Freddy vs Jason is da bomb, yo.
Music / Re: Best songs from horror films
July 17, 2022, 01:49:57 AM
Thought of a few more...

Vincente Thoma - "Faceless"

Sung by the films lead actress, Deborah Tranelli - "Still Got a Love"
Music / Re: Best songs from horror films
July 17, 2022, 01:42:55 AM
Oh, btw... I actually have a copy of B.O.R.N on VHS... but don't think I've ever seen the movie.
Music / Re: Best songs from horror films
July 17, 2022, 01:39:08 AM
I find certain songs and movies together elevate one another. The link you gave for "Fade to Black" doesn't work for me, maybe it's location restricted, but I concur for that one.

These other two immediately come to mind.

Frank Sparks - "Melissa"

Katie Irving - "I Never Dreamed Someone Like You (Could Love Someone Like Me)"

Random Bullshit / Re: ECHO... Echo... echo...
July 16, 2022, 02:19:19 AM
Quote from: Shadow on July 15, 2022, 01:49:15 PM
Lucky me I'm ambi. [*hibaby*]

This may be TMI, but I only use my off-hand these days. [*thumbsup*]

Quote from: Shadow on July 15, 2022, 01:49:15 PM
I know what you mean... it gets irritating knowing there is still work to be done on something you can't quite get to for some reason. At least that's how it is for me.

So did you have a timeframe for it?

I have my good days and bad days in terms of how much progression is made. It's more of a ride the wave type of thing when it comes to getting it done. Some days I'm flying through it and then sometimes I get stuck on how I want a page to look, and it takes a lot of back and forth before I settle on it. So I can't really give a timeframe but I'd hope in maybe a month or two.
It's been on my radar since last year. There was an advanced screening of it in my area a couple of weeks ago but I couldn't attend as it was my daughter's 18th birthday party the exact same night. Doesn't get released here until next week.
Random Bullshit / Re: ECHO... Echo... echo...
July 04, 2022, 03:14:14 AM
Quote from: Shadow on July 03, 2022, 03:14:29 PM
I've had to dial it back a little bit, myself. I chingered my shoulder a few months back and have been babying it since. Finally getting around to seeing a doc about it so we'll see what's going on.

Luckily enough for me I do a lot more than just lift things for exercise, and I don't need to exercise to lose weight... I mainly do it to wear myself out to sleep better.

Gonna have to 'bate with the off-arm for a while...  [*browwink*]

Quote from: Shadow on July 03, 2022, 03:14:29 PM
Well maybe now if she's flying the coop you'll have more free you-time on your hands. [*laugh*]

It has crossed my mind, though, with the amount of time that's passed since we've seen a lot of the old timers- how much has life changed for them?

There's a few I see occasionally through Facebook. I recently had "Seed" message me on Facebook, mainly to get contact info for one of the old members.

Quote from: Shadow on July 03, 2022, 03:14:29 PM
Sounds interesting... you've never made an update to the site that I didn't like before so I'll be curious to see how it turns out. Hopefully that sort of thing would be able to bring in/bring back some people. [*yes*]

It's a lot of work but the main thing for me is trying to get over my inability to be 100% happy with the designs I create.
Random Bullshit / Re: ECHO... Echo... echo...
July 01, 2022, 03:28:45 AM
Quote from: Shadow on June 30, 2022, 01:37:21 PM
My friends and I used to go out all the time... camping, hiking, bar, etc. Met plenty of new people and girls that way but over the years (especially after lockdowns) all they really want to do now is go out to eat just ourselves. And then they wonder why everyone but me is getting fat. [*laugh*]

The last couple of years of bullshit really did seem to have done quite a number on most people.

I was making good strides a couple years ago. In January 2020 I started hitting the gym and by around May/June the same year I had lost around 60lbs. Unfortunately, put most of it back on throughout 2021.

Quote from: Shadow on June 30, 2022, 01:37:21 PMPicking up now at least? Sounds like you are getting a bit more motivated with the site... hobbies are always a good morale boost.

I think it was a combination of stress, lack of sleep and depression (mostly stemming from putting all that weight back on which I worked so hard to lose). Though for the past two months I have been trying to get back on track to start shedding some of that weight again which has probably helped in motivating me more with the site because Jiggy and I were absolutely slaying it with our YouTube content in 2020 when I had lost all that weight.

Quote from: Chucky on June 29, 2022, 01:29:06 AMHonestly I'm surprised that you've kept the site around for as long as you have... most people would have just closed up shop long ago. I definitely appreciate the tenacity. Were you planning a complete revamp of the site, or something more along the same vein but with a facelift?

If it weren't for the fact that I got married when I was 19 and was a father at a fairly young age (btw, my daughter turned 18 today), I probably wouldn't have fallen off so many times as I did. There were just times where I had to focus on life over everything else but I never really wanted to move on from the site.

It is going to be a pretty big revamp. Reviews will of course be a huge thing as usual but with a much more diverse way of rating movies. There will be a lot of video content and also a revamped implementation of the fights. We can also branch out into a lot of other genres. Horror will always be the mainstay, but I think technically any movie could be reviewed and discussed, kind of like a Fight Evil (horror, thriller, action etc) and Fight Everything (drama, comedy etc).  [*browwink*]
Random Bullshit / Re: ECHO... Echo... echo...
June 29, 2022, 01:29:06 AM
Quote from: Shadow on June 28, 2022, 01:46:52 PM
So did you ever narrow down what the issue may be, Chuke?


Quote from: Shadow on June 28, 2022, 01:46:52 PMI'm doing the same old, same old- same old job, tons more hours. Kind of the opposite of you guys. Too few people capable of doing what we do effectively and efficiently, so the extra work just gets piled on to the few of us that are around... and even more work on the way, too. It's nice for the bank account but absolutely terrible for the social life. And that doesn't even take into account that the next semester of school hasn't even started up yet.

Seems to be chronic ongoing issue with me... workaholic I guess. If I'm not keeping myself busy I go stir-crazy. Shouldn't really let that be an excuse to get out and socialize... but I'm not necessarily the most social guy in the first place. Compound that with if I don't have direct plans with my friends or some kind of "mission" in mind, I tend to not bother going out at all. Doesn't help that most of the chicks nowadays seem to be nut-jobbier than usual...

Yes, bitches be crazy these days. I'm glad I got married young because I can't imagine trying to date or socialise with new people given the current social climate. I can't even go on YouTube anymore without being bombarded with hardcore feminist and/or MGTOW content. It's like everyone hates everyone now.

Quote from: Shadow on June 28, 2022, 01:46:52 PMI'd really like to interact more around here but it seems like every time I check in nothing gets posted... so over time it simply starts to slip my mind all over again. [*no*]

That shit's gonna change real soon. I am working on a new site, and yes, actually spending hours everyday on it. With the help of Jiggy, I'm bringing this site back to, hopefully, some of its former glory.
Quote from: Jigsaw on June 17, 2022, 02:57:26 AM
Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

Honestly, while there are some problems with this film, I had an okay time. It's below average, but it probably ties as my third favorite movie in the franchise. 6/10.

While plenty of people turn their nose up at it, I actually enjoy that one to some degree. And seeing some Alexandra Daddario bouncing titty action is always going to enhance any flick.
Horror Talk / Re: Evil Dead Remake
June 17, 2022, 02:54:30 AM
I'm glad to see that something I posted back in 2013 is still getting some action.  [*browwink*]

I agree with what was said there, Jason, I think I watched The Visit when it hit home video but it's been completely forgettable for me. As for It Follows, yes, that is a good one. I saw it in a small theatre back when it came out, as it did not get a wide release here in Australia, and I remember sitting through quite a few hair raising moments, I still remember that cinema experience even to this very day.

Btw, where did you pop out from? [*odd*]