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Messages - Jigsaw

I could never pull off that style, so I always appreciate when people can.
Quote from: metalwayz on February 27, 2018, 03:38:26 AM
Overall pretty solid. Minus the state of current American government. (Jigsaw, I worked for Bernie too!)

Damn depressing outcome, but I could rant about that for days. :p

Glad that all is going well for you, though.
Psycho I - III are all solid, in my view. The fourth isn't even bad (especially for a television movie), but given it's nature, it's not as enthralling to me as the first three.
Horror Talk / Re: Hellraiser (1987)
January 26, 2018, 05:51:49 AM
Quote from: Crash Dummie on January 26, 2018, 03:40:43 AM
Such a good movie, and it's actually unsettling too!

The special effects are still wonderful. I don't know what people think of the sequel, but despite its obviously smaller budget, I really liked it.

Hellbound is pretty on par with the first movie, I always thought.

Unlike many, I actually rather enjoy many of the other sequels also, save a few very notable exceptions.
Quote from: JasonzSon on November 25, 2017, 05:10:06 PM
Using only what I've seen:

I'll be honest - Freddy vs. Jason was pretty good the first few times I've seen it, but the more I watch it, the less I care for it (which, actually, is about the same as New Nightmare for me).

I thought the 4th was when the series started going downhill (though I will forever think the fifth is worse than the sixth), but I still enjoyed it more upon rewatch than FvJ.

But I'm strange like that. :P
No doubt Mahakaal was a rip-off, but it did have some original creepy scenes not found in the original series. Plus, some of those musical numbers were catchy.  [*laugh*]

In all seriousness, though, even if Mahakaal is a rip-off, it still had more heart and soul than the 2010 remake and, at the very least, The Dream Child (which I maintain is consistently worse than Freddy's Dead).

In many aspects, I found Mahakaal a cool and fun viewing. I'd still recommend that any NOES fan gives it a viewing, if for no other reason to see what another culture does with a Freddy-like character.
Random Bullshit / Re: Who did you vote for in 2016?
November 22, 2017, 01:56:57 PM
To be honest, while the sexual assault and allegation thing is, in my opinion, a serious issue, I feel it's becoming more of a distraction.

Look at it this way - Roy Moore is an individual with terrible political views across the board (as a leftist, through-and-through, I get that you may not agree with me, but hold on) - on things from school prayer to abortion to gay marriage, Moore is wrong about almost everything.

But are his issues being discussed? No, just this allegation of dating a teenager. Is it important? You can certainly make that argument. Is it more important than his politics? Ehh, not in my opinion.

Al Franken is another one. Now, I admit, I used to like Franken - he won re-election in 2014 by refusing to go to the center, unlike almost every other Democrat who got slaughtered (look at, for instance, Mark Pryor's devastating loss in Arkansas, or Alison Lundergan Grimes' defeat in Kentucky).

But I've not cared for him in some time. If he was up for election, would people be talking about his opinions on the issues? Or just laser-focus on this sexual harassment allegation?

Above all else, issues are what matter to me. That's why I'd vote for a non-charismatic academic prude if his issues and mine were in alignment.

I'm interested in your view.
I totally get where you're coming from.

About a year or so ago, it hit me that I'd not seen that many horror flicks from 2015 to present day, so I just made a list of 130 or so, and randomly watched about 28 of those.

Also, this last October I watched 132 total movies in the month, and many of them where from 2015 to present.

I now feel rather caught up, though I know I've missed some ones that people really like (such as Train to Busan and The Wailing, both South Korean, if I recall).
Horror Talk / Rank the A Nightmare on Elm Street movies
November 22, 2017, 01:43:20 PM
A contentious topic, to be sure, but hell, it's fun.

Just rank the A Nightmare on Elm Street movies you've seen - see if any of our lists match up. I added both the 2010 remake and the 1993 Indian remake, called Mahakaal. If you've not seen it, I mildly recommend it. It's pretty wild.

From best to worst:

1) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
2) A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
3) A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
4) A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
5) New Nightmare (1994)
6) Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
7) Mahakaal (1993)
8) Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
9) A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (1989)
10) A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Some of these placements might need further consideration, but it's good for a start.

What say you?
Random Bullshit / Re: Who did you vote for in 2016?
November 04, 2017, 05:38:18 AM
Quote from: Shadow on July 12, 2017, 10:24:54 AM
That's not true. Trump cares as long as you're on his side, and Clinton cares as long as you pay her. [*deal*]

Just saw this reply now.  [*uhoh*]

I stand corrected - you are entirely correct.
Having watched The Devil's Candy (2015) for the first time last month, I concur with Rough Cut - it's a damn fantastic movie.

On of the few horror flicks that actually got my heart racing.
Horror Talk / Re: Stranger Things
November 03, 2017, 04:45:08 AM
Like Chucky, I've not seen this.

I've never been as interested in horror series as I am movies. I've never seen a single episode of The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, or multiple other popular television shows.

That said, I do like what I've seen of the aesthetic of the show, so given that fact, and the fact I have NetFlix, I may give it a go at some point.
Horror Talk / Re: It
October 07, 2017, 06:23:36 AM
Certainly one of the best horror flicks from 2017, and a top ten contender for the 2010 decade thus far.
Horror Talk / Re: It
September 09, 2017, 01:28:43 PM
Just got back from It.

While there were some somewhat big flaws in my view (mostly due to lack of backstory and additional padding), I thought it was decently well-done.
Television / Re: Game of Thrones
July 21, 2017, 05:56:30 AM
Quote from: JasonzSon on July 18, 2017, 04:01:34 PM
Season Premiere! Gotta love my girl Arya here. Not much happened this week but I think it did a very fitting job of setting up what to expect this season. I did notice some very conspicuous absences though (unless they died and I forgot).

Beginning was fantastic, with the Freys wiped out. Despite the likely innocent Freys present, still good riddance.

Interesting things going on in Winterfell - I agree more with Jon than I do Sansa on the Karstark and Umber situation, but I do think that Jon needs to be willing to listen to Sansa more (despite her atrocious actions regarding Littlefinger last season).

Wanted to see more of Davos Seaworth, as I think that his guidance could be extremely helpful, but we'll have time for that later.

Stuff with the Hound, Thoros of Myr, and Beric Dondarrion was more filler, but it is sad to see that the Hound is falling to the influence of the Lord of the Light religion. I'll take the Braavosi version of God anytime.

Jaime and Cersei was moderately filler - I don't think much of Euron Greyjoy, but I liked his dig at Cersei and Jaime's incest.

Samwell was mostly more filler, though now that he knows dragonglass can be found on Dragonstone, hopefully Jon will try and talk things out with Daenerys as opposed to attempting to fight her.

Speaking of which, great to see Dani get to Dragonstone* (see below) - as a strong supporter of Daenerys, especially given her advisers, who include some of the wisest in Westoris, it was heart-warming to finally see her touch ground (literally). A slow, drawn-out ending, but fantastically done.

*On a side note, I saw some people complain about how it was unrealistic that Stannis left the castle unmanned - given Stannis' nature, and the mission he partook on, it made sense to me he'd bring all the men he had, given that he didn't have much to begin with.

Not sure if I missed anything - thought it was a decent opener, and while it had obvious filler, great to see some things fall more into place.