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Messages - Jigsaw

Horror Talk / Hostel (2005)
March 06, 2018, 06:31:06 AM
Eli Roth's controversial second horror film definitely doesn't hold back on gore or unsympathetic characters who get what's coming to them, but it doesn't quite hit the peak of what makes a movie great, despite excellent scenes of brutal torture.

What say you on this violent horror flick that shocked a generation?

Horror Talk / Night of the Lepus (1972)
March 06, 2018, 06:22:11 AM
While certainly not without it's flaws, Night of the Lepus manages to entertain (killer rabbits - who doesn't want some of that?) the audience without going over the top, unlike what many modern-day movies may tend to do.

If you've seen this, what are your thoughts on this ecological horror flick?

Other Movies / Re: Predator (1987)
March 06, 2018, 06:18:01 AM
Horror/action/sci-fi, tbh.

Why not all three?  [*yes*]

That being said, I lived my whole life considering Predator a horror movie. It wasn't until 2011, maybe 2012, when I watched it for an October Horror Challenge on HorrorMovieFans (or HMF), and an argument broke out over it, that I realized it wasn't seen as horror.

Blew my damn mind, really.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Phantasm (1979)
March 06, 2018, 06:13:24 AM
Honestly, that amazes me.

I hope the consistent praise that horror fans often give it doesn't end up making you expect too much from it.

When you do get around to it, let us know what you think.

I've not seen the fifth one, on a side-note, but the first and second are amazing. Third's still pretty good, but doesn't have some of the charm the first two had.
Horror Talk / Phantasm (1979)
March 06, 2018, 05:46:21 AM
This atmospheric, dreamy horror flick has long been considered a classic, almost universally, despite the often disjointed feel, in part by great performances by the main actors and creativity of the script.

What do you think about The Tall Man's debut?

Horror Talk / Pumpkinhead (1988)
March 06, 2018, 05:29:46 AM
An often overlooked classic, Pumpkinhead's ability to mix a dark atmosphere and story with the feel of a 70's flick really makes this movie stand out in an increasingly polluted year for horror.

What say you on this late 80's addition to the genre?

Other Movies / Re: Predator (1987)
March 06, 2018, 05:13:50 AM
On a small side-note, am I the only one here who fully considers Predator to be a horror flick (merged with sci-fi, of course)?
I've got a few from 2014 - best I can manage.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Child's Play (1988)
March 05, 2018, 11:29:35 AM
I like Curse (what I remember of it), and both the second and Bride, but no, in my estimation, that's a fair response. [*thumbsup*]
Finishing off Phantasm (1979) as I type. Will post a review when possible.
Quote from: Shadow on February 26, 2013, 10:15:30 PM
Actually, this has me kind of curious... what's everyone's status on things right now?

Missed this when it was asked in 2013, so I'll reply now. :p

Haven't been in a relationship since college (three years ago) for a variety of reasons, and right now, even if there was a girl who was interested in anything like that, I probably wouldn't let it happen, which, now that I read that, really makes me sound a curmudgeon.  [*angry*]  [*uhoh*]
On the upside, I think the most recent picture I have of myself is from 2012, so luckily, whether or not I'm a troll doll is up for dispute.  [*browwink*]
May have lost what's on top, but that's still one bitching beard. [*thumbsup*]
Horror Talk / Re: Child's Play 3 (1991)
March 04, 2018, 12:35:19 PM
Like you said, not as good as the first two, by a rather large margin, but it's still a fun flick, and has great scenes throughout.

Honestly, The first four Child's Play movies are all pretty good (I'm a big fan of Bride of Chucky), with the third probably being the most average. Still a fun movie, though.
Horror Talk / Re: Pre-70's Flicks you enjoy
March 04, 2018, 12:32:01 PM
70's and 80's horror flicks are, for the most part, amazing. I always slightly preferred the 1970's, but both are very strong decades of horror.

90's, while there are some more modern day classics within, not so much.

I get it, though - it's not the easiest thing to get into older movies. Personally, there's tons of silent horror movies I love, but I rarely expect other horror fans to willingly jump into them.

Psycho is a great movie, but there are plenty of other classics to if you look. That said, I certainly understand the preference of 70's through 90's horror flicks.