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Messages - Jigsaw

Horror Talk / Re: Cujo (1983)
March 10, 2018, 01:58:52 PM
Seems like you have almost every other movie on Blu-Ray, so I'm not overly shocked.  [*hehehmm*]
I've only seen one horror movie by this guy, being Alone in the Dark (2005). Even without any knowledge of the video game (I'm, at best, a casual gamer), I thought the movie sucked the big one hard.

That said, a non-horror movie of his, Bailout: The Age of Greed (2013), was actually rather enjoyable, so he's not a complete failure.

Quality videos, by the way. No ego on that guy. [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Dead & Buried (1981)
March 10, 2018, 11:50:27 AM
I only first saw it last October during the HMF 2017 October Challenge, but I had heard about it for years and years beforehand. Glad that it lived up to the (albeit limited) hype I'd heard.
Horror Talk / Re: Cujo (1983)
March 10, 2018, 10:40:36 AM
Go write a review for it, then, and defend it from my barbed words.   [*laugh*]
Quote from: Shadow on March 10, 2018, 07:42:36 AM
We live in a land of cameras and phones all over the place!

And yet, here I am with a flip-phone I barely use.

I'm a simply guy. [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Cujo (1983)
March 10, 2018, 07:35:01 AM
Very true.

That said, I did much prefer the novel. Certainly not King's best (nor even in his top ten), but I loved the ending, and, like you said, the feeling they gave Cujo.
Horror Talk / Dead & Buried (1981)
March 10, 2018, 06:03:33 AM
Sadly overlooked, this moody, early 80's flick really takes the audience for a ride, leading to a grand conclusion and fantastically memorable finale.

Have you happened to see this fantastic piece of 80's horror cinema?

Horror Talk / Cujo (1983)
March 10, 2018, 06:00:24 AM
This adaptation of the classic Stephen King novel certainly has some charm, but the drama-filled portions really weighs down what otherwise is an enjoyable and tense film about a rabid dog and a car that won't start.

If you've seen this adaptation of King's novel, what were your thoughts?

Horror Talk / Re: Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
March 10, 2018, 05:43:54 AM
It looks decent, really. Set's cool and creative, and ghost designs are great. Utterly lacks substance, though.
Horror Talk / Re: Ghost Rig (2003)
March 09, 2018, 10:31:44 AM
You are certainly not wrong, and I've considered that, but I guess people are going to have to take that up with me.  [*uhoh*] [*browwink*]
Dead & Buried (1981).

Amazing movie. Seen it twice now - cemented itself in my favorite 80's horror flicks.

Will post review when I can. [*thumbsup*]
Horror Talk / Re: Ghost Rig (2003)
March 09, 2018, 09:50:47 AM
Yes, I know.

For me, a 7/10 rating is average, which is mostly based off my school experience (a 70% would equate a C-, which is technically below average, but I don't want to get too into the weeds).

So a 7/10 is average, whereas I suspect most people would have a 5/10 be the average/neutral rating.

Problem is, I can't transfer in my mind every movie I've seen into what some people might think is a more conventional rating system. And I could never rate out of 5, even with intervals - it's just too out there.  [*laugh*]

Long story short, my rating system is basically this:

10/10 - Perfect
9.5/10 - Close to perfection, a flaw or two holding it back
9/10 - Pretty damn good.
8.5/10 - Pretty damn good, but missing an oopmf factor.
8/10 - Great film, but bordering on just above average.
7.5/10 - Good film, but nothing extraordinary spectacular.
7/10 - Average - could be enjoyable, maybe sometimes not, but not really either great or terrible.
6.5/10 - So close to liking it, but it just doesn't quite make it due to a variety of flaws.
6/10 - Has potential, but fails to live up to it.
5.5/10 - Getting down to a flick I don't enjoy. Perhaps some good scenes and ideas throughout, but fails.
5/10 - Thoroughly below average, and not something I'd care to rewatch.

And honestly, while there are some distinctions, 4.5/10 - .5/10 (I don't believe I have ever rated a movie 0/10) are almost interchangeable. The "better" bad movies get a 4.5/10 or a 4/10, and the worst get a .5/10 through maybe 2.5/10.

I get it, it's confusing. But I've used this scale for as long as I can really remember, and it would be a very hard habit to break.

And a side-note - even movies I didn't necessarily like, let's say between a 5/10 and 6.5/10, I would probably not be against re-watching, because there are elements I certainly liked from the flicks. When it gets to 5/10 and lower is when those elements I like become less and less.

Hope that helped explain it. And no, you are not the only person to bring up my rating scale - on HMF, I've had many complaints.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / One Body Too Many (1944)
March 09, 2018, 06:15:34 AM
Possessing many of the staples of the horror genre at the time, the comedic murder mystery One Body Too Many runs a bit over-long, but still ends up a fun and occasionally amusing flick.

Pray tell, what do you think about this 1940's horror/comedy hybrid?

Horror Talk / Ghost Rig (2003)
March 09, 2018, 06:13:01 AM
While not a particularly original film, Ghost Rig (or The Devil's Tattoo) does a decent job for a low quality British flick, and you can certainly pass the night with it if need be.

Have you seen this early 2000's British film?

Horror Talk / Re: Night of the Lepus (1972)
March 08, 2018, 09:52:51 AM
Quote from: Chucky on March 08, 2018, 08:34:54 AM
Scream Factory just announced that they are releasing this movie for the first time on bluray in June.

Oddly coincidental timing for my review, then.  [*laugh*]