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Messages - Jigsaw

Music / Re: Last Song You Listened To
March 14, 2018, 11:50:56 AM
Quote from: Chucky on March 14, 2018, 11:40:00 AM
Protest The Hero, that's a name I haven't seen or heard in a while.

I really only know them for this song (which I got from a 2007 compilation album), though I have downloaded their album Fortress. I'm not at all very up-to-date when it comes to music, and listen mainly to songs I've known for years.

Last song I listened to was this ELO classic:

Music / Re: Last Song You Listened To
March 14, 2018, 09:28:17 AM
Good lyrics, too - can't go wrong with anti-military recruitment songs.  [*thumbsup*]

Horror Talk / Re: The Mangler (1995)
March 13, 2018, 05:41:22 PM
Quote from: Chucky on March 13, 2018, 10:23:14 AM
Probably been 15 years since I last saw it so I don't remember how good or bad it was but I know quite a few people who seem to like it.

Given the average on IMDb is 4/10 (74.1 % of those who voted gave it a 5/10 or below), I would think that those who legitimately enjoyed it would be in the minority.

That said, as much as I didn't care for it, I'm glad someone got enjoyment out of this film. Puking king's rather right - it certainly does drag, especially given the flick's length.
Horror Talk / The Presence (2014)
March 13, 2018, 04:54:22 AM
This German found-footage flick has little to offer that you can't get from countless other found-footage flicks. Somes scenes occasionally might show promise, but really, there's nothing you can get here you can't get from a slew of other movies.

Have you had the chance to witness this film?

Horror Talk / The Mangler (1995)
March 13, 2018, 04:29:01 AM
This may not be the poorest adaptation of a story of Stephen King's, but it's certainly note-worthy in that well-known names (Robert Englund, Tobe Hooper) crafted a movie so mediocre.

Have you had the misfortune to witness this film?

Even if we did upset Uwe Boll, given his list of perceived insults, I'm sure we wouldn't stand out.  [*laugh*]
Music / Re: Last Song You Listened To
March 12, 2018, 03:49:29 AM

Fucking masterpiece right here.

Again, my music taste is eclectic, so I don't know if anyone else would care for it, but still.
Horror Talk / Isle of the Dead (2016)
March 12, 2018, 03:23:13 AM
A run-of-the-mill zombie flick, Isle of the Dead's one highlight, D.C. Douglas, can't do enough to save this utter mess of a film.

Have you seen this atrocity?

Horror Talk / The Snow Creature (1954)
March 12, 2018, 03:11:21 AM
Even with it's short run-time, The Snow Creature comes across as overly tedious and is a true task to sit through without nodding off. A rather unflattering example of what otherwise is a decently solid decade of horror.

Have you seen this otherwise forgettable addition to the horror genre from the 50's?

Horror Talk / Re: Leatherface (2017)
March 12, 2018, 02:39:46 AM
Honestly, the last Texas Chainsaw Massacre flick that really felt like a TCM movie was the 2003 remake. Everything past then just felt off (Texas Chainsaw, I'm looking at you).
It was pretty much "If you're here, we'll mod you" type of thing. I'm cool with it, though. [*laugh*]

How have you been doing?
Horror Talk / Re: Iced (1988)
March 11, 2018, 11:22:07 PM
I've not seen Shredder, but I want to.

That said, no matter even if I enjoy Shredder, I have a hard time believing it could beat the charms of an 80's flick.
Horror Talk / Iced (1988)
March 11, 2018, 03:02:46 AM
A late 80's addition to the slasher genre, I couldn't help but love this low-quality attempt. In many ways, the movie is definitely shoddy; on the other hand, many of the kills are certainly worth it. Perhaps this'd only appeal to fans of slasher flicks at the time, but I rather enjoyed it despite it's flaws.

Pray tell, what did you think of this snow-bound slasher?

Horror Talk / Ghosts Don't Exist (2010)
March 11, 2018, 03:01:59 AM
This is one of those more mildly obscure flicks that came out in the last ten years that might be worth a look, especially should you be a fan of horror flicks with a more supernatural angle.  While certainly not amazing, Ghosts Don't Exist was definitely not a waste of time, and seems a good movie to pass the time with.

Have you stumbled across this flick, and if so, what did you think?

Horror Talk / Re: Gingerclown (2013)
March 10, 2018, 04:52:32 PM
Pardon my French, but that sounds fucking atrocious.