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Messages - Chucky

Quote from: Dorkus on March 07, 2018, 04:54:04 AM
Body Melt (1993)

Pretty good. Amazing gore. Just wtf was that subplot with the TCM-esque family that went nowhere?

Ahaha, I got it on bluray. I agree about the subplot, so weird and misplaced.
Other Movies / Re: Predator (1987)
March 06, 2018, 08:51:43 AM
Quote from: Jigsaw on March 06, 2018, 06:18:01 AM
Horror/action/sci-fi, tbh.

Why not all three?  [*yes*]

I do have a hidden third genre listing for movies that doesn't show up on the page, and I'm pretty sure I put horror down as a third genre listing for Predator. So when I eventually add filters, it should be included in horror searches even though it doesn't mention it on the movie page.

But yes, as you said, a lot of people primarily view it as action/scifi.
Horror Talk / Re: Night of the Lepus (1972)
March 06, 2018, 08:49:26 AM
Heard of the name but never really saw anything from this movie. Now that I know it's about large bunnies, I might give it a shot. Still probably not the most ideal movie for my tastes but I'm sure it will be interesting to see how they shot this... I'm guessing they used normal bunnies with small sets?
Horror Talk / Re: Hostel (2005)
March 06, 2018, 08:47:41 AM
I remember when seeing this in theatres that it ended up turning into a pretty decent thriller by the end, once you manage to get through the torture stuff. And you really root hardcore for the guy towards the end for him to give back some torture of his own.

Been a long time since I've last seen it though, so would probably need to watch again before adding my own review.
Horror Talk / Re: Pumpkinhead (1988)
March 06, 2018, 08:45:41 AM
Another movie that I have seen a couple of times before but have never been in the best mood to give it an honest viewing. I'll have to watch it again some day soon.
Horror Talk / Re: Phantasm (1979)
March 06, 2018, 08:44:31 AM
I've watched at least the first two in the series but I didn't pay well enough attention (or I wasn't really in the mood when watching) to the point where I don't remember most of it nor could I rate it without seeing again.
Horror Talk / Insidious: The Last Key (2018)
March 05, 2018, 11:58:09 PM
Insidious: The Last Key is making bank, but the formula is starting to become stale. There are a few cleverly constructed scares but there are also a noticeable amount of cheap jump scares that are also placed randomly throughout.

Have you seen this one yet?

Horror Talk / Playing With Dolls: Havoc (2017)
March 05, 2018, 11:45:18 AM
The cool killer mask is back once again to wreak some HAVOC. Low-budget slasher fans may find some enjoyment in this movie but it still has many problems which hold it back from being a decent movie.

Have you seen Playing With Dolls: Havoc?

Horror Talk / Re: Child's Play (1988)
March 05, 2018, 11:10:05 AM
Wife just told me that the original Child's Play is the 4th best movie in the series, behind Curse, CP2 and Bride... considering kicking her out of the house for a day or two. Would that be fair or am I overreacting?
When you want it added, just let me know.
Video Games / Re: Friday the 13th: The Game
March 05, 2018, 09:50:33 AM
I still need to get this game since it has now upgraded with offline gameplay. Not that I have a problem with playing games online but I don't really like the idea of buying a game and having it become useless a year or two later if no one is longer playing it or the servers are crap/taken down etc.
Music / Fozzy
March 05, 2018, 09:46:52 AM
It's kind of amazing to see how far Chris Jericho has come as a rocker. I remember when I first saw Fozzy perform on RAW, when was that, like 15 years ago? And it seemed like his band was kind of a gimmick just for the show but he's now belting out some pretty decent tunes.

I saw Fozzy at a music festival a few years back, I wouldn't exactly say the performance was great, but it's more difficult to get the best sound at music festivals when you've got multiple bands sharing stages, equipment etc. The highlight was when Jericho was head-banging and ended up head-butting the microphone stand mid-song which took him out for a minute or two.

A few more years on the same path and y'all might end up like this dude...  [*laugh*]

I'm sure DeraiLer reached this level 12 years ago.
Other Movies / Re: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
March 05, 2018, 09:32:17 AM
Technically, that Arnie ass-shot in the above picture is from the first movie.
Other Movies / Re: Predator (1987)
March 05, 2018, 09:26:22 AM
There is a new Predator movie out in cinemas later this year. It's directed by Shane Black, who recently directed The Nice Guys, which was a decent movie and has also written the screenplays for some really good movies like Lethal Weapon, Last Action Hero etc but even more noteworthy is that he actually starred in the original Predator movie (the "my wife has a big pussy" joker guy).