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Messages - JasonzSon

Random Bullshit / Re: Where is everyone from?
February 14, 2013, 09:45:05 AM
I figured since you talk to him on Facebook all the time, you knew, or I would have said something.  That, and your statuses are all in French, so they could have said "FE can fuck off" for all I know.
Random Bullshit / Re: Where is everyone from?
February 14, 2013, 09:35:34 AM
Took you long enough to show, DKhead!
Television / Re: Last TV Show You Watched
February 14, 2013, 03:27:52 AM
They announced the cancellation, but it continues running until the end of the season.  From what I understand of the starts and stops, that could be quite some time- I'm still early in Season 1, regardless.
Television / Re: Last TV Show You Watched
February 14, 2013, 03:02:25 AM
I've been watching Young Justice.  I can see why it's not as popular as the more comedic Teen Titans, but I like it just as much.  I think they would have done themselves a favor to try and link the two series more closely.
I've decided to change my score for Nosferatu from a 7 to an 8.  Simply on terms of enjoyment, I've penalized it too much for its age and weaknesses.
The Mark of Zorro (1920).  It's a shame when I try my hardest to find flaws in an old film with the intention of laughing them off as a symptom of the times they were made, and I still find less flaws than I would in a movie made today.  Really, the biggest flaw in this film was that it was so talky, and that's a flaw only because it's a silent film, and extended dialogue scenes don't really agree with it.
Actually it does.  It doesn't log me out, per se, but it brings me to the login screen as though I were logged out.  Apparently only when I go there via a link does it work properly.
No, I mean this one.  I tried typing that url in about a week ago, and it just brought me back to the login.
Nothing from the head-turning scene, then?  I imagine that parodies have ruined a lot of classic films for newcomers.
Other Movies / Re: Favorite Non-Horror Film of all Time
February 14, 2013, 01:05:30 AM
Amy does not fall in love with the Doctor.  Yes, there's a post-trauma event, but it is very clear after the immediate event that every time she expresses romantic feelings, it is always directed at Rory.
Did you recently fix code relating to that, Chuck?  I tried using that url on my own in the past, and all it did was log me out.  That could be chalked up to the site being confused by changes going on at the time, though.
Random Bullshit / Fight-Evil FAQ
February 14, 2013, 12:49:16 AM
Hopefully to be updated from time to time. This current applies to new members visiting the site in its transitional period.

Q: Where's the front page?
A: Seeing as FE has gone over a year without having one, this is in progress.  The Staff is focused on making sure that the front page not only exists, but also is functional, interesting, unique, and demonstrative of what this community is about.

Q: I'm new here.  That's not a question, but, uh...
A: Introduce yourself here.  You can also learn a little about other members in that thread.

Q: Something's wrong with _______. Who's gonna fix it?
A: Post your problems here.  Odds are, this is something related to new coding during the transitional period of the site.

Q: Why doesn't FE have _______?
A: Post your suggestions here.  It might be worth taking a look at the thread to see if somebody else has already suggested it first.

Q: I want to talk about my personal life.  Can I do that?
A: While some events might be grounds for a new thread, this is the general thread to discuss such things.  Please remember that anybody at all with an email address can access this thread.

Q: Why aren't I a Mod?
A: If you have to ask, that's probably why.  A thread exists for individuals who were already given this responsibility, but if you're not already posting there, just keep contributing in a responsible manner and Chucky will ask you if and when he feels he needs your help.

Q: I'm really bothered by this post/feel it's in the wrong place.  What can I do about it?
A: While there's nothing wrong with pointing out to someone that they're being unnecessarily rude, you can also click the "Report to moderator" link on the bottom of any post.  This will call the attention of the nearest Moderator to handle the situation.
Any particular reason functions like "Who's Online" don't work with the new forum?
Other Movies / Re: Favorite Non-Horror Film of all Time
February 14, 2013, 12:01:10 AM
So far we've got... six female companions out of twenty three have fallen in love with the Doctor.  Not the worst possible track record, in my estimation.  New show, it's four out of six, if Sarah Jane still counts as a companion under that reckoning.
That's kind of how I feel about the whole Evil Dead trilogy.