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Messages - DeraiLer

Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 21, 2013, 03:04:59 AM
That's a whole different category. End of the world, you wanna stock up on food, ammo and bitches.
Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 21, 2013, 02:07:04 AM
I think I like this Midian gal.
A Good Day to Die hard

Not really as good as previous ones and the R rating didn't seem to matter much with the typical gunplay. The action was hit or miss. I enjoyed the chase through the streets of Moscow, very chaotic and the final battle but overall the story was just bare bones and didn't offer much at all. Would tack it with a 6/10 score. Not great, but not a total waste.
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 21, 2013, 01:54:05 AM
Killing a defenseless bed ridden person who wasn't part of his community, would suck up resources and food and may have loyalties to others and not you seems more like logic leading than emotion. The world is in shit and you hold the security of your own people priority over all else including outsiders seems like something many factions would come down to doing. Now I wasn't happy when he gunned down the soldiers but if he was right and they did find his place and did decide to take it for themselves, he would have been fucked trying to take on armed, highly trained soldiers. My humanity may have said to give them a chance but my survival instincts would have taken down a possible threat.
The heads in the jar thing was just confusing. They never really explained why those were there until this past episode. hence this episode being the one starting to show just how vile he is. Until now, he was just a hardcore leader with no interest in outsiders.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 21, 2013, 01:45:22 AM
You guys honestly look at the details on the damn belt? I have never cared what the design was, what logo was on it or even if it had pink streamers on it. It was always just the belt they bring out over their shoulder and brag about having. I dare say the average WWE fan had no idea what either belt looked like before monday. No idea what Smackdowns belt even looks like. Odd the people who complain about WWE and Cena are the same ones who look at details like how the belts are designed.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 20, 2013, 01:37:58 AM
Oh come now. Randy Ortons half assed clotheslines are always a highlight!
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 20, 2013, 01:33:07 AM
Would be the first time wrestlers were rolled down the ramp in wheelchairs and oxygen masks for a PPV match.
Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 20, 2013, 01:21:57 AM
words hurt.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 20, 2013, 01:21:00 AM
Spoiler Alert: Brock beheads Triple H at Wrestlemania.
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 20, 2013, 01:20:19 AM
I kinda like the bad guys here. Merle is definitely a fave and Guvner until last night, hadn't really shown much to show how evil he is. The people writing the show are failing to give him and Michonne the development their characters need to progress the storyline. So far it's just a guy who misses his zombie daughter and a black chick who stands quietly and holds a katana.

Oh and Glenn sucks as a leader.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 20, 2013, 01:16:40 AM
Triple H looks like Sean bean now.
Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 20, 2013, 01:10:03 AM
That is a blatant lie! he has been jealous of me since DK's mom measured us both and said I was bigger!
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 20, 2013, 01:07:42 AM
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 20, 2013, 12:13:04 AM
I like Cena and all, but Punk vs Rock is a better match than Cena vs Rock.

We just had that TWICE. You are not going into Wrestlemania with a 3rd time in a row match as the main event. Cena vs Rock happened only once before at last years Wrestlemania and it is time for the rematch.

Vickie seemed like a Face last night. Mocking Heyman, making matches faces wanted. Hell even making Brad Maddox assistant to her I thought was good because I thought he was honorable in calling out the Shield. They pummeled him but the guy did make a stand and no one seemed to give him props for it.

Khali scaring off Mark Henry? That was a joke.

I think Ryback is ready to turn heel.

Oh and Randy Orton finally showed some signs of life! I liked his exchange with Kane and thought this quote was quite good "you know what Kane? There would have been a time when what you did right there woulda had me shaking in my boots. I gotta admit man, your a lot less intimidating now that you've traded in your piledrives and chokeslams for group therapy sessions and hugs. not really the big red monster anymore your more like.. barney. The Dinosaur."
Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 20, 2013, 12:51:11 AM
I gotta say guys, so far, the discussion taking place here, not worthy of my Huge weewee.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 19, 2013, 11:17:44 AM
Cena just did another 'good guy' idiotic thing and put his match for Wrestlemania on the line against CM punk in a match next Monday. Now this shit pisses me off, you have a golden ticket to Wrestlemania and then put it at risk against someone who cheats at every turn just because they "Dare" you to. I honestly hope Cena loses his Wrestlemania slot for even being so stupid to make this match. Idiot.