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Messages - JasonzSon

Oh... Rises.  When Crash said 2 I was thinking he was talking about the animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns.  I hate it when they re-use an acronym.

And no, for the record, I haven't watched it, so I wouldn't know if it had Bane in it or not.
About a year or so back I bought Final Fantasy VII and Tekken Tag Tournament (my two all-time favorites of their respective genres), plus an InuYasha RPG that turned out to be crap (I think it was a buy two, get one free special or something and nothing else caught my eye).
Oh, I suppose I should mention the Star Wars prequels.  I loved them when I saw them in theatres, but I find them less and less interesting with subsequent viewings.  It doesn't help that my ex absolutely loves them.
Random Bullshit / Re: The Gentlemen's Shaving Club
March 11, 2013, 02:12:18 PM
Not sure if I want to know why you know so much about women's razors  [*uhoh*]
White Zombie.  Found it kind of boring, but I dunno.  I'll probably watch it again some time and pay more attention
Random Bullshit / Re: The Gentlemen's Shaving Club
March 11, 2013, 01:51:19 PM
I find all these posts that are just like "razor, the end" interesting when you consider that there seem to need to be special razors made just for women.  Unless that's just a marketing ploy to charge more for them, but still.
I didn't mind that, but then, even without thinking it's one of the best movies of all time, I still think it's in Tarantino's league.
It might be overhyped.  I enjoy it plenty, but I wasn't blown away by it.
Other Movies / Re: Movies that bring back memories
March 11, 2013, 06:08:52 AM
Had a bad acid trip when you were younger?
Other Movies / Re: Movies that bring back memories
March 11, 2013, 05:10:25 AM
Freddy vs Jason probably counts.  The advertising for this film is what introduced me to horror in the first place.  Sure, I had seen the odd horror movie, but all of a sudden there are advertisements for these two killers that I had only ever heard kids talk about on Halloween, and that seemed extremely cool when I asked anybody about them.  I used to spend every moment I could on the internet researching Freddy and Jason, until I came across this site about "The fights you've been dying to see" and the rest, as they say, is history.

Pretty much any of the anime that I watched as children- Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon; I can pick apart all of their movies, but I still love them, nostalgically if nothing else.

I don't want to go on a full list, but any horror film that I watched and remember well from 2006-2007, just because the amount and type of films I was watching during that time was heavily influenced by the events of my life at the time.  This goes for earlier eras of my life as well, but especially those two years.

It didn't fill the sufficient laptops leg dropped quota?
I always liked the first one the most, except for the ending when the CGI started to get wacky.

I'm looking forward to the results of this topic.  I for one know that such examples exist for me, I just can't think of them.  I do know I tend to have films that I dislike on first watch, and find that I appreciate them more on repeated viewings.  Funny thing is, when I'm trying to remember some, I can't.
Other Movies / Re: Longest Film Series Off the Top
March 09, 2013, 02:02:52 AM
Quote from: Doomed Knight on March 08, 2013, 05:43:00 PM
well, not really, it is one a year in fact.

1 movie per season. there's 16 seasons right now.

if I remember, the first season came out in 1997 or 98

and we're in 2013

so 15 to 16 years

but you're right, it feels like 5 years ago

oh and now I say 15 movies, but soon this year I will say 16, yes, a new will come out, and Mewtwo will be back!

EDIT: I didnt count the one with the same plots, Movie number 14, those 2 counts as 1
they just wanted to advertise the 2 new legendary Dragons, but not in the same movie.
it's pretty much the same shit in different pile.
It was one a year in Japan.  For the dubbed release, 15 movies in 14 years, not counting the double feature.
Other Movies / Re: Longest Film Series Off the Top
March 08, 2013, 05:29:13 PM
Damn, you're right, I forgot there were so many.  Got damn, and it feels like it wasn't that long since the first came out.  They must have been coming out more often than once a year, right?

EDIT: I'm looking that up now. I'm seeing 16 released so far (two sharing the same number and similar plots), with only seven of them released in US theatres (which explains how it was so easy to lose track, as DTV films are rarely advertised well), not counting TV specials.  Two were released in 2009 in the US to close the gap between Japanese and US release years.
Other Movies / Longest Film Series Off the Top
March 08, 2013, 04:52:39 PM
There was a request for a thread like this, but dozens of film series with over ten entries, so I wasn't sure how to make it work.  So how about this: no Googling for this thread.  You can look up information about a series you're discussing, but don't just pull information off a search for your post.  Wikipedia is a good enough database for this set of information, so I'm not going to be making any sort of article or goal for this thread.  Instead, come up with film series off the top of your head that are long that you'd like to compare or talk about.  Let's see if we can get a discussion going in lieu of a list.

So, as far as series that I follow, we've got-
Star Trek - 10 films in the first series (6 TOS, 1 crossover, 3 TNG), 1 film in the new series, with 1 in the oven.  I grew up on the first 5 films of this series, and they really defined what Science Fiction was for me growing up, along with...
Star Wars - Obviously the other 3 Sci-Fi films I watched in my childhood were from this series.  We have six numerical ordered films so far, along with three theatrical spin-offs (if you count Europe-only and animated releases at least) and a TV movie, with two spin-offs in the works.  Amazing how this is going from a game-changing trilogy to one of the largest film series in Sci-Fi.  Which I find especially ironic because I never considered Star Wars to be a film-centric franchise.
Dragon Ball Z - This is another series that I thought was long dead but has another theatrical film in the pipeline.  (I'm ignoring the live action counterparts).  This will be the 14th, not counting TV movies or Dragon Ball movies.  These films were a mainstay of my childhood as well- Toonami would play one of these every week.  And if we're talking about long-running animated series, let's go toward the flip side of the coin with a notable lack of face-punching...
Land Before Time - I've yet to meet anyone remotely near my age group that isn't at least remotely familiar with the decline of this franchise.  This has 13 films- but now that DBZ is passing them, maybe they'll try to catch up?

Yes, there is one more animated or partially animated film series with more films than either of these, and I believe they're all DTV.  I'm not mentioning them because I've never watched one.  That's right, there IS a limit to how much I will emasculate myself.