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Messages - DeraiLer

Television / Re: American Horror Story
February 26, 2013, 05:44:25 AM
I have sat down with the box set of season 1 my friend lent me and got 5 episodes in. The show has failed to win me over. The only time I was entertained was when the copycats invaded the house. Good episode and then next episode goes right back into drama crap. Does it pick up at all this season or should I quit now?
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 26, 2013, 05:41:09 AM
I don't hate Andrea. She has enjoyed both life in Ricks group and Governors and simply wants peace between the two camps and a resolution where rick and the group can live in woodsbury in safety with her. She is the one sane mind in between Ricks fractured psyche and Governors bloodlust.

Nice to see Carol have a little darkness in her. Telling Andrea to fuck then kill the Governor lol. Also I liked the reunion moment between Carol and Daryl. They are a couple I want to happen.

Hershell barking at Rick was needed. Hell, Carl might be right and let hershell and Daryl take the lead this time until Rick gets his shit together.

The most Michonne has spoken all season. And she comes off as petty. Ok, let's stick with Silence, katana girl.

Tyrese joins governor?? WTF?
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 26, 2013, 05:35:53 AM
For the sake of his body I say he retires this year while he can still walk. Edge made the right choice and Taker should too. Let the younger guys carry the torch now.
Other Movies / Re: Warm Bodies
February 26, 2013, 05:33:18 AM
You honestly think he went to the Theater??
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 26, 2013, 05:22:22 AM
He clearly wanted to cement his legendary status with 20-0 so makes sense he would strive for that. This is the PPV he should lose and make his grand exit. Or if he is simply too beat up to compete, have him come out and announce he is retiring. Would be a great moment.

The build up to Wrestlemania is weak this year. They need to get their shit together and start building heat on some feuds.
What she really likes is when a boy drugs her and throws her in his trunk and takes her home to his bedroom/dungeon.

Try that and see if love sparks don't start to fly!
Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 26, 2013, 05:14:17 AM
Quote from: Shadow on February 26, 2013, 05:12:19 AM
Quote from: Daebo on February 26, 2013, 02:38:02 AM
Kinda on the subject. De, if I had your web handle, I'd be cracking 'Deez Nuts!' jokes all day. Just a simple tweak to 'De's Nuts!' and solid gold.
Impossible. He has no nuts.

Sure I do. You just can't see them because they are in chuckys mouth.
Other Movies / Re: Warm Bodies
February 25, 2013, 02:34:25 PM
Nothing to do with horror? Seriously? Damn. So what is it, like a romance flick with zombies as background scenery?
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 24, 2013, 03:10:55 AM
Isn't it about time for undertaker to make his annual appearance?
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 22, 2013, 01:01:37 AM
Oh then all of you bastards here should be incarcerated.
Random Bullshit / Re: Wut
February 21, 2013, 01:00:16 PM
It could be one of those prank shows using a prop on a car for a scene they gonna shoot. Arizona would be an ideal place to use that prank.
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 21, 2013, 12:57:35 PM
The show has failed to convey it effectively. Shooting the soldiers moment just had us saying "wtf? ok.." same as the heads in jars scenes. i think they need to work on their presentation more because scenes that should have punch just fail to impact.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 21, 2013, 12:53:56 PM
lol well we shall see if WWE honors it's own drug policy and bans him even though he has a Wrestlemania match around the corner.
Pretty much. There was almost no story.
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 21, 2013, 04:11:20 AM
Quote from: L-Face on February 21, 2013, 03:11:51 AM
They already had plenty of women there, though. Ratio was probably even from what I saw.

I want a specific count of men to women ratio! now!