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Messages - DeraiLer

Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 27, 2013, 04:12:19 AM


Random Bullshit / Re: My Cock is HUGE!
February 27, 2013, 04:11:10 AM
Can we please get off the topic of Shadows disease riddled ass and get back to how big my penis is?
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 27, 2013, 04:08:03 AM
She doesn't "know" somethign isn't right, she feels something isn't right. A big difference that separates her from Andrea. Andrea was willing to give it a shot, whereas Michonne wasn't. Considering the situation, zombie apocalypse, the smarter option would probably be to accept the offer to stay and just, as Tyrese says, do their part and earn their keep. A guy who knows that getting into a safe haven matters.

Quote from: L-Face on February 27, 2013, 03:51:41 AM
Never called Michonne stupid for wanting to leave at dark. That is the feeling I got by you bringing that up. So if anything it was you implying that she was stupid and I disagree.

Sooo, she wasn't stupid for wanting to leave after dark?
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 27, 2013, 03:39:00 AM
You say that knowing the Governor is batshit from the comics. They did not know him at all. Just a guy who caught them, brought them to his town and offered them shelter there. He even explained killing the soldier because "We all turn in the end" Realistically, Andrea made the best choice. As a show, Michonne made the entertaining one. To keep fighting everyone and everything. Fine, go be an unrealistic caricature. Andrea has shown more depth in her reactions and conflicts with siding with both camps. There is real development going on whereas Michonne is still just a quiet, flat character. You mention it was stupid suggesting they leave in the dark but then mention they would be better off doing so. So I guess the stupid move is the one for you. Andrea is conflicted because she is fighting a more complex scenario. One she could work to her benefit but after seeing the scene with her and Michonne last night, it's clear the writers are not interested in that route. They just wanna make her look idiotic. Shame, she is in a position to do real change right now.
For a Few Dollars More

Can't get enough of Clint Eastwood westerns. One of his best here. Shame it is always overshadowed by the Good, the Bad and the ugly.
Other Movies / Re: Warm Bodies
February 27, 2013, 03:24:58 AM
I had little expectations once my teenage nieces started bragging about it.
Random Bullshit / Re: Crash's Artsy Farts
February 27, 2013, 03:23:42 AM
And I recant my statement since you failed to acknowledge it. Your art sucks!
Quote from: Doomed Knight on February 27, 2013, 02:45:55 AM
it's either crazy girls or too young.

So whats the problem?
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 27, 2013, 03:20:36 AM
Yes I mean the girl who wanted to accept a warm shower and safe bed to sleep on over the girl who wanted to go back out into the zombie infested woods in the dark. Oh Andrea, you are sooo insane!

F Michonne. Everyone here would join the governors camp if in the same situation. Not choose to go back out AT NIGHT which is what it was when Michonne said they should leave. So the guy running the place keeps heads in his bedroom. Just do your part and stay safe in the Zombie apocalypse.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 27, 2013, 03:15:10 AM
Yeah it wasn't the typical Cena getting beat for 90% only to power up for the finish. It was more of a back and forth and I kinda think that was Punks doing. Not wanting Cena to do his by the books routine and instead have it a toe to toe fight. And yeah, caught me off guard when Cena did a Hurricanarana and got the pin.That now makes it... 5 moves?

Oh and Friday, it's coming!



That is true. The other male strippers and I formed our own clique.
Horror Talk / Re: Least Favorite Horror Sub-genre
February 26, 2013, 12:46:04 PM
Found Footage.

Utter Shit.
Random Bullshit / Re: Crash's Artsy Farts
February 26, 2013, 07:36:28 AM
Seriously man, your shit looks like the pro's.
Well as my son, feel free to ask away! I am here for ya my boy!
Other Movies / Re: Warm Bodies
February 26, 2013, 05:45:59 AM
Maybe. If they broke into a musical number in the middle of a Zombie swarm, yeah then he would love it. Guy loves his musicals.