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Messages - JasonzSon

Television / Your To-Watch List
April 06, 2013, 03:36:37 PM
What shows do you have on your mind to watch, but haven't found the time to watch them yet?

My list-

Power Rangers Super Samurai - I've heard this season is a lot better than the prior season and will probably be the next one that I check out.  After that, I intend to go through the rest of the seasons I haven't watched yet.
Star Wars: Droids - I'll be watching this for review soon.  Just not sure when I'll get around to it.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - I've been putting this off for a long time but I've heard a LOT of good things about this show.  I'm gonna marathon this some time to see what I'm missing.
Angel - I mentioned this in the other thread, but I'm about at that part of Buffy where I'll be needing to watch this.
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Assuming I can watch this, that'll be next after TOS.
Battlestar Galactica - The last "Star" series I haven't been exposed to at all.  I'll be getting to this before too long.
Stargate SG-1 - We'd be doing this instead of Universe if it was on Netflix Instant, but I'll find my way to where it all started before long.
Television / What Shows are you watching?
April 06, 2013, 03:26:16 PM
I almost combined this with another thread, but I figured this will have enough ongoing updates my most people to be worth keeping separate.  What shows are you watching right now?  This includes shows you've been seeking out reruns of but haven't seen before, shows that are currently airing, maybe shows that you've watched before that you feel really strongly about bringing up.

Let's keep web-only shows off of this for now.  That's not to say that professional quality shows can't be mentioned, but independent things you'd find on Youtube or Blip would probably lead to a bit too much on here and would be likely to blur the line of what is a "show".

My list:

Currently airing - Doctor Who, Power Rangers Megaforce
Currently airing on Season Break - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Legend of Korra
Older shows - Classic Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek TOS, Red Dwarf, Stargate Universe (this is the show a close friend and I watch when we get together to chill, both new to the universe), American Horror Story (I think this is still airing, but I know for a fact the season that I'm going into is over), Sherlock (almost forgot I was watching this one, and not sure if I'll bother with Season 3 if it ever comes around).
Television / Joss Whedon
April 06, 2013, 03:13:11 PM
I thought I'd bring in a thread about Joss and his shows, maybe some reference to his movies, etc.  Firefly, of course, is one of the cult hits of the modern era.  I'm currently watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I've got to say I have no reason other than lack of effective word of mouth that I wasn't watching this show when it came out.  I'm curious what thoughts of Dollhouse are and if I should make that one of the next shows on my list, and Angel is one that I've been led to believe I'll need to watch just to get through Buffy.

So, thoughts?
Horror Talk / Re: Horror Movie Checklist 2013
April 03, 2013, 06:13:54 PM
Added my thoughts on last year's Silent Night.
Silent Night (2012).  I would give this film a 5/10, but 5/10 for a film like this would still be walking away from an enjoyable time.  I ultimately feel like this film is slightly below that, due largely due to the ridiculous red and green filters that otherwise ruin a perfectly average conclusion to an average film that doesn't know what it wants to be.  4/10.
Push comes to shove, I prefer the first.  I don't love it like a lot of people do, but I find it scarier than the sequel.  Maybe just because the second IS a sequel.
So what did you REALLY do with your laptop?

Nah, kind of thought you were in a hotel with the chick from the other thread.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 27, 2013, 12:54:10 PM
All the decades run together for him.
It took me a bit to realize Bruce Campbell is the guard who gets beat up by that black comedy midget that's in all the movies with midgets in them.
Television / Re: Last TV Show You Watched
March 25, 2013, 02:13:14 PM
A friend and I just watched the first two episodes of Stargate: Universe.  We're both new to the universe, and intrigued enough to watch more episodes, though not quite fans yet.
Horror Talk / Re: Silent Era Films
March 25, 2013, 02:10:20 PM
Well, I published my Nosferatu article, but I'd still be glad to chat silent films.  I've been trying to watch a bunch of them; my experience in the black and white era has been sorely lacking, and the Hitchcock collection I recently bought includes 6 silent films.
Welcome to FE.  My latest was Hannibal Rising, by the way.  Faithful enough adaptation with some choices I would have made differently and one scene that literally existed only for the box art.  That was the only scene that really bothered me, although there were a few things early on I'd have moved around, cut different things and kept others, etc.  There's also the fact that adapting this largely depends on how Hannibal was adapted, and I have yet to see the film version of that.  I'll give it a 6.5/10 and swing one way or another on a second viewing.
Horror Talk / Re: Horror movie picture game
March 23, 2013, 10:18:39 PM
I don't know it, but it looks delightfully zany.
Oz, the Great and Powerful (2013) - Passable prequel, not great but not terrible either.  Working on a review of it for the Fantasy & Sci-Fi site I post on.  I'd give it a 6/10.

Metropolis (1927) - I don't know if I'd go straight up to calling it epic but I'll say damn, a whole lot going on in this film, with effects that look better than the ones in the film above.  Nothing like what I expected.  Still deliberating, but maybe an 8/10.
Random Bullshit / Re: Awesome Things
March 23, 2013, 02:48:55 PM
A cake of chocolate Rawhead pissing on a vanilla priest would have to go down in the annals of history.