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Topics - Jigsaw

Horror Talk / Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust (2011)
September 23, 2018, 01:35:12 AM
Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust isn't the worth way film to spend some time on, but it's not something I'd go out of my way for. Sure, some of the gore is decent for a low quality flick, and it carries with it a somewhat deeper message than you might think, but the story is just repetitive and somewhat tedious. Not terrible, by any means, but nowhere near good.

Have any thoughts on this slasher flick?

Horror Talk / The Boy (2016)
September 19, 2018, 05:20:02 PM
Some portions of the film meander a bit, but overall, I think that this film is both atmospheric and moody enough to entertain most audiences, and the strong performances of the main characters certainly helps pull The Boy together.

What are your thoughts on this newer horror flick?

Horror Talk / Night of the Blood Beast (1958)
September 18, 2018, 12:06:53 PM
This late 50's entry is rather slow-moving, and despite occasionally somewhat atmospheric scenes, there's just not enough here to really warrant loving the film. For a dark and rainy night, Night of the Blood Beast might be okay, provided your options are limited, but otherwise, I'd recommend grabbing something else off the shelf.

What are your thoughts on this late 50's film?

Horror Talk / Last of the Living (2009)
September 17, 2018, 12:02:02 AM
Despite some problems, such as the fact the film runs a bit longer than need be, and a somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion, Last of the Living is a decently fun film with fun characters. If zomedies are your thing, I don't see why this New Zealand flick, even with it's lower production value, wouldn't do it for you.

Have you any thoughts on this zombie-comedy flick?

Horror Talk / Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies (1999)
September 13, 2018, 04:50:14 AM
While the first Wishmaster is an enjoyable entry to 90's horror in a variety of ways, the second film lacks almost everything that made the first one good. The story here isn't really something that much appeals to me, and Divoff's acting comes across as much hammier here than in the first film. Even the special effects mostly falter, likely because it's a straight-to-video film. Overall, Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies, is a disappointment.

What are your thoughts on this sequel?

While it has both solid gore and special effects (any less, and there'd have been no reason to make a TMC film), The Beginning comes across as pretty bland, and despite being an origin story, doesn't really have that much to add.

What are your thoughts of the prequel to the 2003 remake?

Horror Talk / The Bells (1926)
September 09, 2018, 02:13:24 AM
In many ways a rehash of The Avenging Conscience: or, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' from 1914, The Bells still does well in taking it's time and showing us the human side of many of the characters. An early Karloff appearance is good fun, and the ending was a joyous ride also. A somewhat bleak movie, but nothing atypical from the time period.

What are your thoughts on this silent film?

Horror Talk / Beyond the Gates (2016)
September 08, 2018, 04:05:52 AM
Beyond the Gates looks pretty - fantastic soundtrack, great coloring, just a fun retro-vibe, but the story is a bit shallow, and loses a bit of steam and suspense toward the end. Not by any means a terrible movie, it's just that Beyond the Gates could have been so much more. Aesthetically-pleasing, but story-wise, Beyond the Gates needed work.

What are your thoughts on style over substance?

Horror Talk / Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994)
September 06, 2018, 08:25:49 AM
With a few iffy plot choices and a less than amazing cast, the third Phantasm is easily the weakest of the first three. Not a terrible film, and still nearing average, but certainly not as memorable the as the classics that came before.

What are your thoughts on this sequel?

Horror Talk / Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
September 05, 2018, 09:47:13 AM
Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II is a fun 80's flick, and despite changing from a slasher to a possession movie, it turned out rather well. While the first one was generally sluggish, this flick moves at a good pace with a somewhat interesting story and some damn good special effects.

What are your thoughts on this superior sequel?

Horror Talk / The Severed Arm (1973)
September 03, 2018, 07:43:26 AM
Though little-spoken about, The Severed Arm is a pretty solid proto-slasher. Certainly it's a bit dry at times (name 70's horror flicks that weren't), but the story is pretty fun, and the film possessed a solid atmosphere along with a rather enjoyable, if not prolonged, finale.

Have you seen this early 70's film?

Horror Talk / Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
September 02, 2018, 12:06:03 AM
Despite this film's ambitions, or perhaps because of them, the final product comes across as both a bit of a mess and also somewhat soulless. After seeing this multiple times, I still fail to gain pleasure from it, and despite the many flaws with the third film, I'd watch that again over Bloodline any day.

What are your thoughts on the fourth Hellraiser flick?

Horror Talk / Are We the Waiting (2017)
September 01, 2018, 05:50:35 AM
Out of Michael Taylor Pritt's four films, I think his third (this flick) is the worst one. Which isn't too say it's bad, just a bit uninspired. I'd recommend his other three flicks before Are We the Waiting, but if you're just looking for a low-budget, fun time, there's no harm in popping this into your DVD player.

What are your thoughts on this slasher?

Horror Talk / Something Beneath (2007)
August 27, 2018, 02:29:22 AM
This flick's story is pretty mediocre, and for the most part, the special effects aren't all that. There is some charm to this film, though (and as I've now seen it three times, I'm seeing it more). It doesn't make up for the generic plot or atrocious ending, but some of the key performances in the film add just enough zest to allow the movie to not end up a complete failure.

What did you think about this science-fiction/horror hybrid?

Horror Talk / Cathy's Curse (1977)
August 27, 2018, 02:25:15 AM
Cathy's Curse can come across as a bit of a mess, especially since the most common version of the film isn't in the best quality. Even so, after seeing it multiple times, I think it's a decently fun movie, which some occasionally amusing actors and moderately well-done scenes toward the end. By no means an amazing movie, this 70's flick is one that I think, given the chance, many might end up enjoying.

Have you any thoughts on this 70's movie?

Horror Talk / Criminally Insane (1975)
August 04, 2018, 08:37:43 AM
Criminally Insane is the perfect example of a 70's flick - a plot that should be funny being done in deadly serious tone, a short and digestible run-time, and the perfect grindhouse drive-in feel. Given it's just over an hour, I'd recommend checking out this film, because if nothing else, I think you could agree it's certainly amusing in many ways.

What do you think about this cult classic?

Horror Talk / Dark Echoes (1977)
August 04, 2018, 08:36:52 AM
While not really a very lively, nor exciting, movie, Dark Echoes has sort of a pre-Fog interesting atmosphere to it. No doubt it oft feels like a television movie, but there is certainly charm, along with some surprisingly decent gore near the end.

Have you any thoughts on this mildly forgotten flick from the 70's?

Horror Talk / Ghostwatch (1992)
August 02, 2018, 12:17:29 AM
A found footage flick, of sorts, Ghostwatch is one of the most immersive movies I've ever seen. Originally airing on the BBC Halloween night on 1992, and subsequently banned for ten years, Ghostwatch is a bit difficult to put into words. It uses real television personalities and reporters, and in short, just feels as though it could actually be happening. Fantastic British supernatural movie which I highly recommend.

Have you any thoughts on Ghostwatch?

Horror Talk / Broken Notes (2008)
August 02, 2018, 12:17:08 AM
Based off the classic video game Silent Hill 2, this Spanish movie is an interesting, if not rather flawed, adaptation. That said, I know virtually nothing about Silent Hill 2 - never played it, never seen it played, and that likely influenced my thoughts quite a bit. Still, I found this flick odd - scenes that didn't appear to have context, metaphorical representations I didn't get (which weren't helped by the disjointed nature of the movie), and while they got the dreamy atmosphere down pat, there wasn't much here to really enjoy.

What did you think about this Spanish adaptation of a video game?

Horror Talk / Jockstrap Slaughterhouse (2016)
July 31, 2018, 06:05:51 AM
With an almost school project feeling to it, this low-budget slasher had a lot of heart. It's nothing stellar, but for a short slasher flick, and one with as ridiculous a name as Jockstrap Slaughterhouse, it's decently enjoyable. I just wish there was a bit more meat to the story, but otherwise, for lower-budget films, this is recommended, if you're not averse to a little silliness.

What did you think of this low-budget slasher flick?