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Reaching out to older members

Started by gorefan1428, May 25, 2020, 10:48:29 AM

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I recognize the name, but I honestly couldn't pick him out of a line-up. Nice to know that you're still kicking, though.  [*thumbsup*]

How you been?


He went by WesCraven on here, I looked through the members list.

I'm fine, have been a work-from-home-hermit since late March, am revisiting lots of old stuff to stave of the creeping chaos of cabin fever.


You know what, I actually follow Lyrici17 on (a music tracking site I've been a member of for years), though I've not spoken to him in some time. I knew that name sounded familiar.

Indeed, I'm "luckily" an essential worker, so I've been enjoying the privilege of going to and from my workplace throughout this whole thing. Good, good times. :P


I sometimes talk to the Chucky wanker. lol


being a bit more serious. i still have a few people on facebook but don't talk to most of them but thats mostly because i don't talk much on facebook now days. chucky is the person i talk to the most.

as for me. had some ups and downs. got out of game retail and into hospitality. still a gaming nerd now i just drink too much (part of the job. honest)


Quote from: Giddins on August 28, 2020, 10:38:18 PM
being a bit more serious. i still have a few people on facebook but don't talk to most of them but thats mostly because i don't talk much on facebook now days. chucky is the person i talk to the most.

as for me. had some ups and downs. got out of game retail and into hospitality. still a gaming nerd now i just drink too much (part of the job. honest)

drinking part of the job

nice  [*thumbsup*]


Quote from: L-Face on July 20, 2020, 06:54:21 AMThere was a lot going on at the time. I was hitting the bottle heavy, in a depression, and my mom found out she had cancer.

Just wanted to say that had I been in a better headspace, I would have gotten in touch with you.
Well that blows... been a decent while now- are things looking up?

I had just assumed that you'd had a number change at some point and I never got it.


Oh shit, my old login still works! What up bitches?