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Upcoming JJ Abrams Films

Started by JasonzSon, February 05, 2013, 03:31:37 PM

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Seeing as how JJ Abrams is helming both the new Star Wars and the new Star Trek films, I thought they might as well get one shared thread to see what people have to say about them.

I have one opinion on both: Meh, but I'll probably watch them.  The only Abrams project I've experienced so far was a mediocre Star Trek film, and I have a feeling he's going to push the same soul-less generic Sci-Fi on us two more times with these films.



Can't be worse than Episode I. I'm trying to remain hopeful too... though I don't know how they're going to start off this whole new trilogy.

As for Star Trek, I liked it more than I thought I would, so I'll give this next one a chance.


Agreed on both points. And I think the most sense would be Han and Leia's children. They have a pretty epic story in the books.


Honestly not a Star Trek fan, but I enjoyed JJ's take on the franchise quite a bit.

As for him taking the helm of the Star Wars films, I too remain hopeful. The prequel trilogy was an abomination, thankfully Lucas won't be anywhere near these films (to my knowledge, at least.) I'm interested to see how things turn out with Hamill, Fischer, and Ford returning.


Are they returning?
And he's a creative offsider. His official title is more interesting, but that's essentially the crux of it.


I read that they would, but they wouldn't be the focus of the new films. Maybe cameos or brief appearances to help establish the new "heroes" of the new trilogy.

Crash Dummie

I liked the new Star Trek, and while my love for Star Wars diminishes as time passes (I'll always love the three originals and a few of the games, but the rest? Eh.), I'm excited about seeing a GOOD movie from this franchise again.


It's funny. For as bad as the prequel trilogy is, they help me appreciate the original trilogy a lot more. Hell, they make me appreciate Return of the Jedi and I really don't like that movie.

Crash Dummie

I watched the first one recently (episode 4).

It was good, but it also struck me as the most uneventful of the original trilogy. Return had a lot of stupid parts, but in some ways, it's my favorite because of the kick ass action.

But objectively, episode 5 really is the best one.


Dude. A New Hope is a big deal. They blow up the first Death Star, for christ sakes. No action? Bollocks to that.

Crash Dummie

I didn't say nothing at all happened.  [*laugh*]

I still like it.


A New Hope is my least favorite of the original trilogy.  A lot of time spent sitting around.

I still wish they had let Joss Whedon do this film.  He definitely was on the right track with the premise- the Yuuzhan Vong invasion- and his strengths and weaknesses are absolutely perfect for Star Wars- and, while we're on topic, I could see him doing a decent job on Trek as well.


I'd prefer Joss Whedon go away and leave everything alone.


I'd take a sequel to Serenity or Avengers over most of the Sci-Fi films made in the past decade.