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Started by Chucky, June 17, 2017, 12:12:02 AM

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It seems this has flown under the radar for most people... either that, or they just don't care BUT I did post a competition recently on Facebook and this can also be found on our homepage.

I'll be giving away 1 x bluray of the movie "Flesh Eating Mothers". It is a region B bluray, so this may not play for some Americans but it seems plenty of bluray enthusiasts these days have gotten themselves multi-region players now.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd mention it. Just go find the Facebook post which is also linked if you check out the competition section on the homepage. Like, comment, share the Facebook post to enter.


I'm not much a Blu-Ray guy (truth be told, I only own one, and that's just because it came with the DVD of the movie in question), but the movie itself seems an interesting one I've yet to see.


I'm looking into getting a new Blu-ray player in the near future and this looks interesting enough to warrant taking the extra step to acquire a multi-region player.


I'll eventually do competitions with region A or region free movies but I'm just doing this one first because I have two copies of it so I can get rid of one (which is unopened).


I haven't had a Facebook for ages. And haven't used it for even longer than that. So I'll have to look into the brand new site!

Maybe I should be prepping another poem? [*browwink*]