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Topics - Jigsaw

Horror Talk / Exeter (2015)
April 26, 2018, 08:28:03 AM
Despite one amusing line, some cool death scenes, and an almost okay idea, Exeter isn't even remotely worth seeking out. Given a surprise ending, multiple scenes throughout the movie don't make sense, the characters are utterly unable to actually think about how to escape the situation they're in, and overall, it's just so damn underwhelming.

Have you chanced upon this flick?

Horror Talk / Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
April 24, 2018, 06:17:05 AM
Lacking much of the charm and suspense as the original, not to mention any really memorable traps, Cube 2: Hypercube still manages to pull out a just-below average rating due to the likability of a few of the characters and some of the concepts presented in the movie.

What did you feel about this sequel?

Horror Talk / The Blackburn Asylum (2015)
April 24, 2018, 06:13:28 AM
Entirely generic, The Blackburn Asylum has little to offer not already served up better in Wrong Turn (2003) and the 2006 The Hills Have Eyes remake. While there is an okay kill, and the beginning is decently suspenseful, overall, The Blackburn Asylum both fails to make a positive impression and fails to leave much a memorable impression also.

What did you think about this flick?

Horror Talk / The Haunted Castle (1921)
April 21, 2018, 06:47:22 AM
This German mystery/horror-hybrid runs a bit longer than it really needs to, but at the same time, has a foreboding atmosphere and is an enjoyable watch, even if it feels a bit dated.

Have any thoughts on this early movie?

Horror Talk / Seclusion (2015)
April 21, 2018, 06:38:44 AM
A mixed bag, Seclusion has some solid actors and actresses, and not a bad story, but some sequences needed tightening up and some things just didn't work. Not a bad film, I get the sense that many would find Seclusion more forgettable than most.

What are your thoughts on Seclusion?

Going back to the basics, with a simple, very linear, plot, the third film in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series has everything I could want for, including Ken Foree, some fun family dynamics, and gore. Out of the first three movies, this is the one I'd likely go back to the most, as it's by far the most enjoyable.

What were your thoughts on this sequel?

Horror Talk / Fist of the Vampire (2007)
April 19, 2018, 02:39:24 AM
Combining some great, totally non-choreographed fighting sequences and amazingly-done CGI fire and bullets, Fist of the Vampire is the action-packed vampire flick you didn't know you wanted.

What did you think about this awful flick?

Horror Talk / Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)
April 17, 2018, 05:02:15 AM
While technically speaking a very solid silent flick, I've never been the biggest fan of the source material. Because of that, while this movie is relatively enjoyable, and possesses solid pacing, I've never loved it as I've loved other silent flicks.

What did you think about this silent movie?

Coming across as a low-quality television movie, this modern-day adaptation of the classic novella has only Tony Todd's performance as Dr. Jekyll to really be happy about. Everything else, from the suspense (or lack thereof), the effects, the gore, the acting, etc comes across as a failure.

What did you think of this flick?

A true silent classic, Der Golem, wie er in der Welt kam, really shows what Germany can do with a great budget and a fantastic direction. While occasionally feeling a bit over-long (depending on the print you're watching), this flick is a classic for a reason, and is worth seeking out.

Have you seen this 1920 classic?

Horror Talk / Nightwatch (1997)
April 14, 2018, 04:48:37 AM
Initially a movie I enjoyed, watching through this flick the second time wasn't nearly as enthralling as I remember. It's slow-moving throughout most the of the beginning, and solid actors don't really make up for it. Just an around an average movie.

What did you think of this remake of a Russian flick?

Horror Talk / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
April 12, 2018, 09:31:50 AM
A classic of silent cinema, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is a fun watch and easily digestible, providing you find the right print. This German flick certainly stands out as one of the milestones of 1920's horror, and should make any horror fan's list of required watching.

What did you think of this silent flick?

Horror Talk / Fender Bender (2016)
April 12, 2018, 09:23:40 AM
Despite some interesting names involved and a decently high production value, Fender Bender comes across as far more forgettable than you'd hope for when jumping into the film. Some okay kills, but just ends up a movie you'll likely forget a week later.

What say you on Fender Bender?

Horror Talk / Hush (2016)
April 10, 2018, 05:30:30 AM
A fantastically suspenseful flick, Hush takes a slightly difference approach to the home invasion subgenre of horror with a deaf protagonist. Great acting and good gore make this a newer horror flick that is well-worth seeking out.

What did you think of Hush?

Horror Talk / Eerie Tales (1919)
April 10, 2018, 05:21:54 AM
While historic as the first ever anthology horror flick, Unheimliche Geschichten alas contains four very average stories and one pretty enjoyable one. There's elements to most stories that are enjoyable, but on the whole, it's not an amazing movie. Probably worth seeing for what it represents as opposed to anything else.

What did you think of the first anthology horror movie?

Horror Talk / Mortuary (1983)
April 09, 2018, 09:47:25 AM
While lacking the body count I feel would be more appropriate for a slasher, Mortuary handles the script with a lot of suspense and class. Some overacting aside, the cast and the suspense certainly make this a movie worth watching, especially if you're a slasher fan.

Have you seen this slasher flick?

Horror Talk / Phantasm II (1988)
April 07, 2018, 04:10:13 PM
By-and-large lacking the dreamy and atmospheric vibe the original movie had in spades, Phantasm II instead goes an action road trip route, which is still a lot of fun. Great special effects and a solid, more cohesive, story makes this flick a solid watch, despite not being entirely on par with the original.

What say you on this sequel to the classic cult flick?

Horror Talk / The Eyes of the Mummy (1918)
April 07, 2018, 04:03:50 PM
Disappointingly slow and lacking suspense throughout most of it's short running time, Die Augen der Mumie Ma is one of Germany's few missteps when it comes to the contributions to the horror genre that they dominated from 1914 to 1924 or so. Aside from a solid final five minutes, this movie is almost bound to disappoint most going in for a thrilling time.

What did you think of this early German flick?

Horror Talk / The Visit (2015)
April 06, 2018, 04:37:17 AM
Despite the extremely solid performance from the two kids in this movie, The Visit ends up just around average, due to an over-reliance of jump scares and a somewhat unimaginative finale.

What did you think of this found-footage movie?

Horror Talk / Curse of the Faceless Man (1958)
April 06, 2018, 04:30:10 AM
Unnecessarily dry and plodding, this rehash of 1932's The Mummy is about as unexciting as a movie can possibly be. From the constant narration to the excruciatingly tedious pacing, Curse of the Faceless Man is one of the flops of the late 50's, an otherwise solid time for the horror genre.

What say you on this fifties' fright flick?