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Messages - L-Face

Television / Re: Saturday Morning Cartoons
February 06, 2013, 05:29:05 AM
Quote from: Shadow on February 06, 2013, 05:02:54 AM
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 06, 2013, 04:51:26 AMI've seen one episode of the Ponies. It's a good show, especially for kids... but the phenomenon around it is a little baffling.
Exactly. You get these morons who are straight up obsessed with the show, to the point of ridiculousness. I mean, if someone wants to like a show... whatever, fine. But for groups of people to fanatically follow a show like that is beyond stupidity.
I know, right?

*kicks his Walking Dead and Batman the Animated Series paraphernalia under his bed.*

Absolutely silly.
Other Movies / Re: Upcoming JJ Abrams Films
February 06, 2013, 05:25:12 AM
Quote from: JasonzSon on February 06, 2013, 04:36:34 AM
I'd take a sequel to Serenity or Avengers over most of the Sci-Fi films made in the past decade.
There's a reason Firefly got cancelled (it sucked balls.) As for Avengers, it was a decent comedy film. Nothing more.
Horror Talk / Re: Rob Zombie's Lords Of Salem
February 06, 2013, 05:23:55 AM
Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 05:19:07 AM
Is his wife in this? I feel he's really not casting her in enough of his films. Give the woman a chance, Rob.
I know that's a joke. But still. Ew.
Television / Re: The Walking Dead
February 06, 2013, 05:22:32 AM
Quote from: Shadow on February 06, 2013, 04:40:04 AM
Walking Dead is pretty much the only reason I watch any television anymore, sort of like L. The plot and character development is top notch, I think.

Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 04:16:21 AMI just think Rick is really unlikeable for some reason
L and I were talking about this not too long ago... I feel the same way. My problem with him is that whenever his group is in need of something, he'll beg and plead and cry for them all... but when someone not from the group, with less than them, attempts to do the same thing he tries to act like some hardass. He needs to pick a side and stick with it- either be the caring guy, or the asshole.

As for Andrea... she's nothing more than a power hungry cock sucker (literally). Every dude she comes across that has power she latches on to like a leech. Wouldn't surprise me if she'd have latched onto Rick if she'd of been given the chance. Not to mention she has this complex to her where she constantly needs to throw herself out there as Xena or something, while simultaneously either failing or putting others in danger.

And I think the same as most people: Darryl kicks ass, and is my favorite character.  Carl is kind of growing on me now, too.
The bolded: I've literally never seen it that way. At all. Anytime he's needed anything, he did his damnedest to convince the people to help him and realize that his group could be a help to them in return. As far as him being a murderous psychopath goes? Every one of his murders has been justified, unlike Shane. Otis didn't deserve to die. But the bandits Rick killed in the bar? It was obvious they were going to try something. Same with when he killed Shane.

Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 04:42:50 AM
I should mention that I really like The Governor, so maybe my sense of morality is a bit skewed.  [*uhoh*]
I find it funny you say that when he and Rick aren't so different.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 06, 2013, 05:13:46 AM
Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 05:06:30 AM
As a wrestler, John Cena is extremely underrated.

As a speaker...he can cut a damn fine promo when he's not making jokes. Unfortunately that's not a lot. It's not really his fault though, it's the writing team of soap opera rejects.
I don't think Cena's underrated at all. It just takes someone to drag a good match out of him. His matches with Punk have been fantastic. Even his TLC match against Ziggler was great. Seeing Cena bust out a hurricanrana (even if it was sloppy) was still impressive.

As far as his promo ability goes, it's deteriorated a lot in recent years. I don't remember the last time he made me give a shit about something by talking it up. But that's just me. The problem isn't just his shitty promos as of late, it's the fact that he's consistently shoved down the audience's throat. Always gets undeserved title shots. Does things and then calls people out for doing the same things he's done saying they're not "honorable." There's a lot of hypocrisy with his character which is where a lot of the hate comes from. In my eyes, it's much deserved. The writers really aren't doing him any favors in that regard. 
Other Movies / Re: Upcoming JJ Abrams Films
February 06, 2013, 04:34:40 AM
I'd prefer Joss Whedon go away and leave everything alone.
Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 03:07:38 AM

It wasn't funny.
I've heard conflicting things about Ted. Some people say it's hilarious while other people aren't amused at all. I have a copy of it that I've kind of been holding off on watching for a while now. Should really get around to it eventually.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 06, 2013, 03:10:12 AM
Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 02:51:47 AM
I'm glad you guys like heel Punk. That other wrestling board I frequent really hated his heel turn, but I was glad to be away from Punk making ice cream bar jokes every week. He's a fantastic heel.

It's still weird as hell that he had a year long title reign, that's the kind of thing we used to joke about happening but knowing it wouldn't.
The one board I used to frequent hated his heel run because they said it felt tacked on and that he's trying way too hard. Doesn't come off like that to me. And despite him generally having legit grievances, I've been highly entertained by what he's been doing. I like Heel Punk a lot better than Face Punk.
Again, reason he never switched to the southpaw stance can be chalked up to Rocky being stubborn. In Rocky 1 he wanted to prove he could go the distance. In Rocky 2, he wanted to win. He trained to win and the way he trained was in the orthodox stance. Him going southpaw, in his mind, would have negated learning to fight orthodox.

While the shell-shock joke was terrible, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. Terrible jokes and a sort of innocence were what made Rocky a compelling character.
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 06, 2013, 01:08:54 AM
Absolutely! Rocky had him by the last round, Appollo was saved by the bell.

(By the way, I call bullshit on that one; a round lasts three minutes, yet, in traditional movie logic, that last round lasted only 1 and a half)

And on any other night, Rocky would have stayed down after his first knockdown. His nose was broken and he was wrecked. But not that night. Even as his eye was busted and his eyelid filling with blood, he stayed the fuck up. Appollo thought he could carry him to round 3 and easily end it. He wasn't physically and mentally ready for the man to keep getting up.

The fight in Rocky is great as a piece of drama, but it always bugged me a little. "Rock, you have to fight right handed to protect your eye!"

Rocky trains to switch his stance for weeks, the eye is brought up often, people think he should stay retired so he will not go blind and then, the fight happens.

And Rock blocks each and every blow to his head, with his head. Both his eyes are blodied by the end.

But when he does win, and says "Yo Adran, I DID IT!"... them feels man... It's like somebody's cutting onions.
I can see why the last round in Rocky 1 only went a minute. Budgetary reasons. It was a film no one wanted to fund and when it came out, all those people kicked themselves in the asses for not being the ones that gave it the funding.

As for the whole "protect your eye/blocks every punch with his face" thing, that can chalked up to Rocky being stubborn. Gotta remember, he wasn't the brightest of people as showcased by his terrible animal related jokes and other forms of stupidity.
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 06, 2013, 01:01:01 AM
Rocky 4 is very, very stupid, but also one of the most fun movies to watch. I love the hell out of it, even if I shouldn't.

Last movie I watched was... Rocky.

Masterpiece. There's such a gap between the invincible American super hero from Rocky 4 and the down on his luck, full of potential yet complete under achiever shmuck from the first movie. But he takes that god damn chance, and even though he loses on points, he stays up against a man that outclasses him in every possible way, except maybe for his heart.

It gives me manly tears of testosterone.
I think the dynamic of Rocky 1 is helped by one scene in Rocky 2. At least for me. When both Rocky and Apollo are in the hospital, Rocky visits Apollo's room and asks him, "Did you give me everything you had?" and Apollo says, "Yes." Which to me, was a sign that, had the fight gone on longer, Rocky would have won. Kind of what happens in Rocky 2 as the fight is pretty much a continuation of the first.
Haha. Final montage is actually my favorite simply because of the song, "Hearts on Fire." Suppose that's a guilty pleasure of mine. Also, the final montage, not nearly as homo-erotic as the Apollo/Rocky montage in Rocky 3.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 06, 2013, 12:59:00 AM
Punk has said that in conversations with people like Harley Race, they wish he had been around during their time as he would have fit in perfectly. Which I think is one of the highest compliments a wrestler can receive from a legend such as Race. It would have been extremely interesting to see how Punk would have acted with people such as Flair and the Horsemen, etc.
Same as the Last Horror Thread. Also forgot to mention, would be nice to see your thoughts on these and maybe a rating rather than just listing the title of the movie.

Last one I watched was Rocky 4. Cinemax on Demand has the whole series (with the exception of Rocky Balboa) so I've watched them all at least twice in the past month. As a kid, this was probably my favorite one due to how much of a bad ass Ivan Drago is. While he's still pretty bad ass (and is actually more of a threat than Clubber Lang was) I don't like this one nearly as much as I used to, but still find it really enjoyable. Apollo's death is still every bit as powerful as it was when I first saw this film, but I can't help but feel something is off about this movie.

Perhaps it's the overuse of the montage. Maybe it's Apollo's entrance into the Drago fight going on longer than necessary, I dunno. I have a general problem with the Rocky movies as a whole and that's the characters seem to regress waaaaay too much. Either way, I still dig the hell out of this movie. 7/10 solid film. Not the best in the series, but not the worst.
Television / Re: Official Pro-Wrestling Thread
February 06, 2013, 12:49:08 AM
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 06, 2013, 12:44:14 AM
It was hard not to see the Jesus/Manson overtones. I wish his "family" would have grown even bigger.

That would have been cool. It's kind of what they're doing with Bray Wyatt (formerly Husky Harris) in NXT. Who in my opinion, is one of the best things going in wrestling today. Dude's got the Max Cady from Cape Fear thing going on that Waylon Mercy had back in the day, but is doing it A LOT better. I wish NXT were on here in the states, because they've got one hell of a roster.

Quote from: DrumrbaxJ on February 06, 2013, 12:45:38 AM
Straight Edge Society? What the fuck? It's no surprise people hate me wherever I go.
Punk was basically a "faith" healer. He helped people that were addicted and "saved" them. Like the character Festus. Who prior to the Straight Edge Society thing was almost comatose until the bell rang. It was revealed he was on some sort of drug that left him in a vegetative like state. It was interesting stuff.

Punk pissed people off so much that an old lady at a live event grabbed him by the hand and said something along the lines of, "You're not God! You're the Devil and you're going to burn in hell!" Also getting the crowd so worked up, that they pelted him and anyone else in the ring with trash, batteries, etc. Got to the point where there was almost a riot every night.