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Game of Thrones

Started by KennyThaKilla, April 01, 2013, 12:23:58 PM

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But we have. And now it's here.

I'm really hoping this is the season that little prick Joffrey gets his.


I heard they are splitting the book into two seasons which really pisses me off because we all know the good shit wont go down until the season AFTER this one! I was anticipating this season for the moments that happen in the book but we may not get those until 2014. Fucking producers. I might bail on this show.


I haven't seen it yet. Been meaning to, just been wanting to watch it with someone else.


I've never read the book, but I love the show. For such a wicked season-ending cliffhanger, last night's ep was kinda anticlimactic, but still good, nonetheless. I have a feeling brother Numsie is going to rue the day that he treated Tyrion Lannister like shit.


my wife watches the show but i have so many other things i watch have not got into it yet.


Quote from: KennyThaKilla on April 02, 2013, 06:09:14 AM
I've never read the book, but I love the show. For such a wicked season-ending cliffhanger, last night's ep was kinda anticlimactic

That may be a crappy side effect of splitting one book into two seasons. We are going to get a lot of filler. I mean one scene had two girls sitting on the dock playing "Where is the ship going" game. A lot of useless moments we get to sit through so they can stretch out an already stretched out book.


Yeah, I'm okay with some filler though because it's still one of the best shows on tv.

Doomed Knight

I don't mind the filler either,  won't be bailling on this show


Well my tolerance for slow, dragged out scenes isn't as high as yours. So far only Tyrion, Tywin and Daenerys are keeping me interested. Both the best part of the show IMO. Everyone else, meh.

The scene with Tywin mocking and practically shooting down his dwarf son was the highlight for me. Those two make great scenes whenever they are on.


Yep, Dinklage is definitely the star of the show. Can't wait to see his daddy get his comeuppance for being such a cocksmith to him.

I thought the giant was pretty cool, too.


Not too keen on the nipple mutilation though.


Well, at least they didn't show them killing babies.  [*winkgrin*]


The other stark brother, the one who was sent back to his father then turned on the starks? Forget his name but damn does he have a bad time now and to come. I still kinda liked him from season 1 so it is saddening to see his turn for the worse.


Theon "Backstabber" Greyjoy

Even though he was of no blood to the Stark's, he was considered a brother. I don't really care for the little douche because of the whole taking over Winterfell thing. Whatever bad juju he gets himself into, he definitely earned it.


So I've watched the first three episodes. Pretty good so far, when I have company over I think I'll watch a bit more. Tyrion is pretty much already my favorite, while I find that Joffrey has the most punchable face I've seen in ages.