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What did you all think of the conjuring?

Started by sh0nuff23, July 25, 2013, 12:48:48 AM

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Nope. If anything, the hype factor ties in with #3 more than anything else. Exorcist was touted as the scariest movie of all time and now the Conjuring is being touted as one of the scariest movies of all time (and as the scariest film of the year.) #1 is in bold due to it being the same scenario for most of the films in the "haunting/demonic possession" sub-genre. Priest or some type of religious person has doubts about their faith and can't combat the evil. But then, at the very end, they find the strength within themselves and their faith is restored, allowing them to defeat the evil.


That's not the case here, but Christian imagery and structure is definitely toted as being all but essential to fighting off a demon, similar to how only a Priest can beat the demon in The Exorcist.


I try not to buy into hype.  Good or bad, people are going to talk and share their perspectives.  I have seen many a movie that the general consensus thought was amazing but ended up being pretty bad in my eyes.  Although they are both demon related I wouldn't consider not seeing this movie solely because you didn't like the exorcist.  I do not believe the exorcist is the scariest movie ever.  Its good, but not the scariest.  I think the conjuring was better.  But L face, please watch this movie.  I'm not going to hype it anymore than you've already heard.  If you don't want to spend theater money I understand but at least rent the dvd.  As a horror fan on this site, everyone should see it


At this point, I likely won't support this movie monetarily. I'll likely wait to watch it. At least until it's on one of the movie channels. Mostly because there are other movies on my "To See List" that are a higher priority for me.


So the reviews had me really excited to see this and I avoided any trailers so none of the scares would be spoiled for me. I hate to be "that guy," but I found The Conjuring to be crushingly dull. Nothing but a bunch of quiet bits with sudden loud noises. I've had enough of people equating jump scares to feelings of actual horror. The comparisons to The Exorcist are akin to blasphemy.

Patrick Wilson's sideburns were downright smart, though.


Well to each his own... I thoroughly enjoyed it


Saw it last night. It was good, but not great. I think something that really bugs me about a lot of horror movies these days is that they're specifically designed for the cinema teeny-boppers to jump and squeal. Jump scares aren't exactly anything new, but I swear I don't remember the classics having more than a couple, if that.

The cinema was packed with young teens who freaked out over every little goddamned thing, so I guess it's effective, I just find it so cheap.

Still, I didn't hate it, it actually had a fairly good story. Felt short as hell, though.


Agreed to an extent. A movie like that works well in the theater but it sucks to watch it in the theater sometimes because of others reactions


Slasher films are fine to watch in theatres, as they are big and loud and generally the audience reaction helps.  Actual horror movies, though, it has to be the right kind of audience.  The audience I watched The Conjuring with was great; the audience I watched Woman in Black with almost drove me to physical violence.


Yea I had a terrible crowd at the conjuring I agree with the physical violence haha