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Games you love that everyone else hates

Started by Crash Dummie, February 06, 2013, 04:28:56 AM

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i liked alan wake. the whole thing with him using the torch was a cool idea. would of likes to see places other than a spooky forest and and little town nest to a spook forest. but hey.


The whole concept of the game is new and I loved the way they turned it into episodes. It made playing the game easier in it's own way. "Finished an episode. I can go live  my life again."
American Nightmare, a sequel that isn't a sequel, seems to have capitalised less on the story and more on the gameplay though. I haven't played it yet, but will eventually. There should be a sale still on Steam if anyone wants it. Like $9 for both.

Doomed Knight

Quote from: JasonzSon on February 06, 2013, 04:45:07 AM
Final Fantasy X-2

Oh, it's ridiculous.  There are parts of it that make absolutely no sense.  They try to be sexy and fail.  The main villain is ridiculous.  The magic of this universe completely clashes with that of the original game.

Still, I call this a guilty pleasure.  I played this before the original, I believe because it was cheaper at the time (no shit).  It was fun exploring the world, and even now it's fun seeing how the world changes between games.  I enjoyed leveling each character up in multiple class, seeing the creative design between combining each character class and character, and at times I enjoy the skimpy outfits in ways that people who call this a "dress-up" game just don't think about.  If nothing else, this game moves more quickly than any Final Fantasy game I've ever seen, which makes up for many of the more foolish decisions they made by not lingering on them long or even returning to some of them.  I don't know if I'd recommend it, but I wouldn't shy away from playing it.

I totaly agree with you on FF x2. why do I like playing it? I don't know

it's like FF-8

it should be one of the worst Final Fantasy

the game is way too easy, the characters aren't much develloped, the game's lenght is shorter than FF-7
the story is "meh"

I just don't know why I love playing it.

but this game doesn't really belong in this thread since a lot of FF fans love it.

it's just, I don'T know why it's popular and I love playing it.

Crash Dummie

I like the Lord of the Rings SNES game.

It's awful and confusing, but the atmosphere is great, and I spent SO MUCH TIME playing it that it's like an old friend.