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Saturday Morning Cartoons

Started by JasonzSon, February 05, 2013, 03:40:41 PM

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It's set in a tower similar to the Justice League's, if I'm not mistaken.  Alien tech (which was definitely a main staple of their quarters any time it was shown in the show), etc.


Not all "futuristic" technology in a pseudo modern setting makes it "alien." Star Labs and Wayne Enterprises makes technological advancements in the comics, but I wouldn't go so far as to call either of them sci-fi ish. Also, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't the Watchtower (the headquarters of the JLA) comprised of technology and resources provided by Batman?



I was under the impression that it came from a variety of sources, but I could be wrong

Midian Fiend

Can't believe no one has mentioned sponge bob. Very funny show, I watch it when my daughter does. Apart from that I prefer more adult cartoons...not that kind of adult  [*hibaby*] Archer, metalocalypse, ATHF, southpark. Metalocalypse is hilarious...and brutal [*evil*]

Here's a little clip of Spongebob and Nosferatu from an episode I like.

Crash Dummie

Sponge Bob is great. We can all agree that this one IS inspired by Ren and Stimpy, but aside from the first season, which had cheap animation and basic, kid friendly plots, it's been golden.


Adult Swim is just gold really. Most of their shows rule.


So that's why he has all those holes!  [*uhoh*]


Might as well do this here.

This week - TMNT took a week off

Power Rangers - Okay episode.  We've probably seen this premise before but I haven't exactly been following all of the newest seasons so I couldn't tell you if it's recent.

Young Justice - Still waiting to see where they're going with this.  It's really a disappointment that they're canceling this, not because it's the best show ever, but because I can see every reason WHY they're canceling it.  The two poor decisions the writing department made were being too ambitious with the second season, and actually trusting the audience.  If I sound bitter it's because I am.  Anything that requires someone to pay attention to something for longer than an episode is absolutely beyond the scope of a modern audience and it just baffles the absolute fuckshit out of me that shows like the 1993 X-Men went on for over 5 seasons by being ridiculously complicated because people still watched it because it was awesome, while this, a much simpler show, is too complicated to hold the audience's attention and needs to be replaced with an all-comedy version of a show that people like because it was a good mix of comedy, action, and Batman TAS style drama.

Green Lantern - Every time I feel like my bitching and moaning about continuity is just that, bitching and moaning about continuity, they throw me for another loop.  Larfleeze losing all of his menace and actually having the concept of "giving"... why would they do that?  Why would they take one of the few two-dimensional characters that fans actually celebrate for being two-dimensional and try to change him? Sometimes I think the writers of this show just want to see how many ways they can fuck with obsessive fans.  I'm not intending to obsess, but this is probably the only change they've made that I can't rationalize in any way as to how this helps the story for new audiences.

See what happens when the best written show of the year takes a week off?  Meh, Season 1's almost over, too.


Jeez... they still make Power Rangers?


Saban bought it back (in association with Nick) two seasons ago.  Those seasons were crap.  This season with the 20th anniversary, the strong hope is good things.  Looks like they're using the Legend War from Gokaiger, so there's a lot of potential if they don't screw up.


How can they screw up Power Rangers, though? Literally all they do is fight monsters that balloon up and need to be megazorded.

Then again I haven't seen them since I was small...


If you have to hang out with six characters all season and not one of them has a shred of personality, the comic relief characters have absolutely nothing to do with the plot, and you have three clip shows in a 20 episode season, you're doing it wrong.


I feel a little uncomfortable knowing that some of you guys watch My Little Pony.