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Messages - Jigsaw

Horror Talk / The Facility (2012)
November 28, 2018, 05:41:22 AM
I like quite a few things about this film, including the low-key feel (little music, for instance) and many of the performances. It has a certain feel of realism that many other films lack. That said, there's a plethora of idiotic decisions made by plenty of the characters, and after we get past the halfway point, I start losing a bit of interest. Not a bad movie, by any means, no great - solidly around average.

Horror Talk / Re: Candyman: Farewell To The Flesh (1995)
November 24, 2018, 04:30:35 PM
"Like" is a strong word. The movie isn't terrible, but I just watched it for what was probably like the third time, and it doesn't do a whole lot for me. I'll reiterate that this one just seems unnecessary (and though I've not seen Day of the Dead in years, I suspect that'll feel much the same).
Horror Talk / Kantemir (2015)
November 24, 2018, 01:58:21 PM
Were it not for Robert Englund, this movie probably wouldn't be worth watching. Even with Englund, I'm not entirely sure it's worth watching, but at least it has a little more to offer. A moderately interesting story here, but not the best execution, Kantemir might be worth a single go, but I wouldn't expect to be blown away.

Any thoughts on this Englund-starring flick?

On a side-note, I'd love to co-host with you, but realistically speaking, given that I have a speech impediment, I don't really think I'm fit for a role like that. This said, if we do start those up again, I will definitely be calling in to the horror-themed shows.
Horror Talk / The Horror of It All (1964)
November 21, 2018, 06:59:01 AM
While certainly not an amazing movie by any stretch, I found this a lot more amusing and comedically snappy than I would have expected. It even comes with a catchy musical number sang by Boone. Certainly more pros than cons to this one if you're a fan of 60's horror.

Do you have any thoughts on this flick?

Other Movies / Entertaining Mr. Sloane (1970)
November 16, 2018, 02:08:52 PM
This British comedy (with mild horror elements toward the conclusion) takes the right type of person to attract. I found the humor juxtaposed by being amusing and nutty yet totally unrelated. Still, if dry British comedies are your thing, this might be worth a go. If horror is your main interest, though, I'd not recommend this one.

Have any thoughts on this most peculiar film?

Horror Talk / Re: It (1990)
November 15, 2018, 05:17:51 AM
Solid nostalgic value, but it leaves out so much from the book that I can't really rate it much higher than 6.5/10.
Horror Talk / Island of Lost Souls (1932)
November 14, 2018, 08:53:47 AM
Though certainly a classic of the genre, and a pretty fun and suspenseful ride throughout, I don't absolutely love this flick. Still, it contains brutality before it's time, and it's suitably creepy at times. If you're a fan of classic horror, you can't really go wrong here.

What are your thoughts on this classic?

Horror Talk / Backwoods (1987)
November 13, 2018, 10:54:13 AM
Despite being one of the few horror movies filmed in Indiana (a state I've dwelled in most of my life), Backwoods relies far too much on uninteresting drama as opposed to solid horror. It picks up a bit toward the end, and we do get a decent scene or two, but overall, I think this one would disappoint many people who look into it.

What are your thoughts on this horror of the Hoosier state?

Horror Talk / Grave Halloween (2013)
November 10, 2018, 08:39:55 AM
There's basically no reason to go out of your way to watch this flick, which is rather uninspired and pretty pointless. The setting is creepy, but the whole film reeks of mediocrity, and I can't say there's much value to be found here.

Have you thoughts on this horrible flick?

Quote from: Shadow on November 03, 2018, 02:32:24 PM
Quote from: Jigsaw on November 01, 2018, 04:25:01 AMI live in a state where it's still illegal, so I'm just trying to play it as safe as possible.
Still illegal in all states when you factor in the feds. [*deal*]

If they ever start widespread assaults against state-legal dispensaries, that'd be interesting. I feel that this is an issue we just need to get over with (especially given how much of the US population is in support of legalization). Having it be illegal on a federal level, but allowing states to legalize it (while having the power to strike those laws down as unconstitutional at any time) seems like a pretty idiotic system.

More to the point, though, it's a shame your life is as busy as it is - always enjoy chatting with you when I get the chance.
Horror Talk / Plaga Zombie (1997)
November 03, 2018, 09:10:25 AM
This film has great gore, for the budget, even amazing gore. The problem is, this Argentina flick has little else. It's mainly a repetitive bloody brawl with zombies, and it doesn't take long for the film to become too ridiculous or dull. Great gore, but nothing else to really draw me in.

What are your thoughts on this foreign flick?

Horror Talk / Re: Things (1989)
November 02, 2018, 08:28:59 PM
Because I already have a few strikes against me from my ISP, I didn't really feel safe in downloading it, so I just bought a cheap DVD.
Horror Talk / Re: Things (1989)
November 02, 2018, 12:45:44 AM
Dude, this movie was a mess. I've never seen something quite like it. You ever have some free time, and you've not seen it before, give it a go - you might come out changed.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Things (1989)
November 01, 2018, 11:36:36 AM
Things is an inept, illogical mess that gets almost nothing right. It almost defies explanation as to how bad the film is. Unless you see it, experience it, you'll never know what it's really like. Bring a lot of beer and weed if you do, though, and some friends, as without them, you might come out of this one hating yourself and everything in existence. Decent gore, though.

Have you any thoughts on this atrocity from Canada?