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Who did you vote for in 2016?

Started by Jigsaw, May 04, 2017, 06:46:11 AM

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I think we're all in basic agreement when it comes to this whole sexual harassment thing being a phase. But I do think that it's quickly started to turn into a modern day version of McCarthyism- point the finger and watch them crumble, whether or not the allegations have merit or even evidence. Trial and jury be damned. I actually think that can have very nasty effects for everyone down the road. I really don't think social media has helped the issue much either... but then again I don't view social media very positively to begin with.

As far as my opinion and all the drama what I would really like to see is some actual integrity ([*laugh*]) on the part of all parties involved. I have no problem with the news, or one side or the other being at least partially biased. That's human nature. But, at the very least, be up front about it. What I find completely infuriating are the people/groups that claim to be beacons of truth and morality, condemning the other side- then once their side is caught red handed they try to explain it away, if not outright ignore it. Right now it seems to be mounting much more on the Dems side than the GOP, but they're both dirty. Quite frankly I think both sides would do well to take their guiltiest and collectively throw them all under the biggest bus they can find.

As far as Moore's politics- I think he's simply an unfortunate symptom of the times. Things are much more "us vs them" now than they've possibly ever been. All thanks to the politicization of everything. Each side would rather completely ignore the other side and get their guy in, however bad they might be, because not only is the other side wrong- they're damn near evil and want to destroy your life.