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Started by L-Face, September 16, 2020, 12:35:17 PM

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Just as the title suggests, have you lot considered a discord? If people are wanting to keep in touch, may be better than the occasional post here or trying to keep up with their social media or wahtever.


Curious, but I might be too stupid for it.  [*odd*]

I assume you've used it before... how does it work? Seems like a forum with video/audio, which says by invite... does that mean new visitors to the site are unable to join it?


I use Discord all the time, so this may not be a bad idea.

Pretty easy to set up too, though I've not personally made a private room before. I think, though, once you do, you can send the room link to anyone (which is the invite), and they shouldn't have a problem getting on it.


I guess we can discuss it after our next show.


Just made a server, L-Face - we have the link in our Staff Room board. [*thumbsup*]


Use discord quite a bit.

what about us non staffers ya fucks   [*angry*]


I have a discord account but I've very rarely used it... I'll try to keep an eye out for an FE discord the next time I use it.

My problem is in terms of communication is I pretty much just text everyone at this point.