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Messages - Jigsaw

Quote from: Chucky on June 03, 2018, 01:52:37 AM
Funnily enough, I noticed your review go up from working on the new site. Yes, the new site will actually show when an older movie in the database has a new review.  [*browwink*]

Hot damn, skippy, you're spoiling me. [*laugh*]
It's not all that sensical, but I do find this movie fun, and given that I've seen it something like seven or eight times and it still entertains, I guess that's a positive.

My review for this one is now up.
Yip yip for me.  [*laugh*]
Horror Talk / Re: Favorite Horror Sub-Genre
June 02, 2018, 10:37:06 AM
I used to be a 100% slasher guy. Slashers are still my favorite sub-genre, but I've had a growing appreciation to previously ignored sub-genres, such as giallo (which is, admittedly, closely related to slashers), ghost movies (films such as The Others and Session 9 really opened my eyes to them), and even zombie movies (I used to feel they were all just repetitive tripe, and sure, some are, but there are some great ones out there).

I will say, I do feel personally offended when I finish a slasher and end up disliking it. I generally expect to enjoy 85% of the slashers I set to watch, so when I come out the other end, I come sometimes judge them a bit harsher than I would have other movies.
Horror Talk / Re: Least Favorite Horror Sub-genre
June 02, 2018, 10:30:46 AM
I know there's not been a comment on this thread since 2013, but screw it, this is an interesting topic.

I think L-face nailed it with demonic possession flicks, along with found footage. I've not seen tons of either sub-genre, but I've seen enough found footage to know that the few I do like (such as As Above, So Below, and [Rec]) are few and far between.

Last October, I participated in a horror movie challenge, and I watched something like five, perhaps six found footage flicks overall (out of 132 total movies). For the life of me, I cannot recall many differences between them. I've re-watched one since, being The Presence from 2014 (my review is on here), and it was just as sub-par as I recalled.

For demonic possession, the problem is I've been an atheist since ten years old, so anytime religion or demons pop up in movies, I have a really hard time with it. I've only seen The Exorcist once (I do hope to remedy this in the next few months), but I remember being bored with it save a scene or two.

There are some subgenres I don't have an easy time with. Vampires, as Chucky said, isn't a favorite (though there are some great vampire movies, such as Fright Night from 1985 and Vampires from 1998). Werewolves, too, lack great entries. Sure, An American Werewolf in London, Ginger Snaps, Dog Soldiers, and 1996's Bad Wolf, but what else is there?

Still, I can easily imagine a well-done werewolf or vampire movie. Found footage is much harder, and a demonic possession flick that I'd enjoy is close to impossible for me to imagine.
Nightmare Sisters.

Disliked it just as much as I did the last time. The things I do for you, Chuckster.  [*no*]
Other Movies / Re: Five Loose Women (1974)
May 31, 2018, 08:55:44 AM
Fingerblasting, eh? [*browwink*] [*azn*]
Horror Talk / Midnight Faces (1926)
May 31, 2018, 04:36:58 AM
Despite it's short runtime, Midnight Faces has about everything you could hope for from an old dark house mystery/horror movie. There's some well-done fight sequences and the mystery is moderately fun. While the most commonly-available print isn't that good, the movie itself is a solid viewing.

Have you any opinions on this silent flick?

Horror Talk / Fear, Inc (2016)
May 29, 2018, 06:06:03 AM
No doubt that the ending is a bit of a let-down, Fear, Inc. still stands out as a solid watch, and if you're wary of the comedic factor, past the first twenty minutes or so, it's rather muted. Not that much gore, but a decently fun movie nonetheless.

What did you think of this horror/comedy mix?

Horror Talk / Candyman (1992)
May 26, 2018, 11:22:57 AM
Candyman has a lot more feeling, it seems than most horror flicks from the previous decade. While this horror-fantasy blend isn't perfect, it's flaws are far outshined by it's positive attributes. Certainly a 90's classic for a reason, Candyman has a lot of elements that make it a worth-watching movie.

How did you find this 90's classic?

Horror Talk / The Hexecutioners (2015)
May 26, 2018, 11:10:43 AM
This is a disjointed film entirely lacking in necessary context. Truth be told, I can't tell you what happened at the ending. It was as if the movie was just barely held together, and someone pulled the thread, thus everything fell apart. Interesting concept, some visually appealing scenes, but a terrible movie.

How do you think the hexecution of this movie worked out?

Horror Talk / Offerings (1989)
May 24, 2018, 02:38:51 AM
Though heavily ripping off Halloween, Offerings was a very fun late addition to the slasher sub-genre. While the gore wasn't that amazing, this Oklahoma-based movie had a lot of heart and plenty of fun characters and scenes, and if you're a fan of slashers, I'd definitely recommend giving this a look.

What are your thoughts on Offerings?

Horror Talk / Hell Night (1981)
May 24, 2018, 02:29:28 AM
I love 80's slashers, and this one certainly had the right feel to it, but something about Hell Night didn't fully do it for me. Many of the kills were a bit blah, and there wasn't enough explanation given regarding the killer. Perhaps a case of too much hype before I finally saw it, Hell Night is decent, but I can list so many 80's slashers I liked more.

What did you think of this slasher?

Horror Talk / My Little Eye (2002)
May 22, 2018, 10:14:53 AM
I've seen this movie twice, and have been twice disappointed by it. It might have been fresh at the time, around the popularity of shows like Survivor, but My Little Eye hasn't aged well. It had a good song in it, sure, and there was an acceptable death, but there's not much here I'd go out of the way to recommend.

What did you think of this early 2000's addition to the genre?

Horror Talk / Stung (2015)
May 22, 2018, 10:07:30 AM
While it had the potential to be an enjoyable comedy/horror mix, and the two main characters were decently done, Stung just fell flat really early on, and kept the same underwhelming feel throughout. Not really a movie I'd much recommend.

What did you think of this flick?