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Messages - JasonzSon

Yes.  Why does that seem surprising?  It's like saying that Halloween is the most faithful remake that I've seen, but it's terribly unfaithful to the entire point of the original.  When you go out of your way to avoid (or at least, make watching them an absolute last priority when there's no other options) watching a genre, the first one you saw may well be the last.
Other Movies / Re: Upcoming JJ Abrams Films
February 06, 2013, 05:30:47 AM
Actually, Firefly was canceled because it wasn't promoted and was aired in random order so that it made absolutely no sense if you watched it on TV.  Once it hit DVD it got extremely popular.
Horror Talk / Re: Rob Zombie's Lords Of Salem
February 06, 2013, 05:28:33 AM
Quote from: Shadow on February 06, 2013, 05:23:25 AM
Quote from: Dorkus on February 06, 2013, 05:19:07 AMIs his wife in this? I feel he's really not casting her in enough of his films. Give the woman a chance, Rob.
She was the blonde with the dreadlocks.

When will white people learn they can't pull of dreds.
Even in Matrix: Reloaded?
Final Fantasy X-2

Oh, it's ridiculous.  There are parts of it that make absolutely no sense.  They try to be sexy and fail.  The main villain is ridiculous.  The magic of this universe completely clashes with that of the original game.

Still, I call this a guilty pleasure.  I played this before the original, I believe because it was cheaper at the time (no shit).  It was fun exploring the world, and even now it's fun seeing how the world changes between games.  I enjoyed leveling each character up in multiple class, seeing the creative design between combining each character class and character, and at times I enjoy the skimpy outfits in ways that people who call this a "dress-up" game just don't think about.  If nothing else, this game moves more quickly than any Final Fantasy game I've ever seen, which makes up for many of the more foolish decisions they made by not lingering on them long or even returning to some of them.  I don't know if I'd recommend it, but I wouldn't shy away from playing it.
Other Movies / Re: Upcoming JJ Abrams Films
February 06, 2013, 04:36:34 AM
I'd take a sequel to Serenity or Avengers over most of the Sci-Fi films made in the past decade.
Mine is Star Trek VIII: First Contact.  I watched this because I wanted to learn more about the Borg, and I wasn't disappointed.  It's a good film and it kept my attention a hell of a lot better than I expected.
Other Movies / Re: Upcoming JJ Abrams Films
February 06, 2013, 04:28:46 AM
A New Hope is my least favorite of the original trilogy.  A lot of time spent sitting around.

I still wish they had let Joss Whedon do this film.  He definitely was on the right track with the premise- the Yuuzhan Vong invasion- and his strengths and weaknesses are absolutely perfect for Star Wars- and, while we're on topic, I could see him doing a decent job on Trek as well.
Blair Witch is the best found footage film I've seen.  I found Blair Witch to be crap.  For the record, I haven't watched Cannibal Holocaust yet.
Quote from: L-Face on February 06, 2013, 12:29:02 AM
Since we're bringing back old/popular threads, I figured I'd necro this one.

Last horror movie I watched was Silence of the Lambs. Really, I kind of feel bad. I loved this movie when I was younger, now I think it's simply "meh." Don't get me wrong, Anthony Hopkins is fantastic as Hannibal Lecter and I do enjoy the Buffalo Bill character. But everything else is hasn't held up with time in my eyes. As I was watching it, I couldn't help but nitpick at it. Whether it be from certain performances (Jodie Foster) or the amateur-ish cinematography, I really don't enjoy this movie anymore.

If I had to give it a rating, I'm afraid it would have to be a 5/10, Average at best.
I watched the film version once, it was barely memorable.  I argue it's because it's hard to adapt my favorite novel of all time into a memorable film.

Last horror film I watched would be Silent Night, Deadly Night.  Great film; classic.
Horror Talk / Re: Rob Zombie's Lords Of Salem
February 06, 2013, 04:12:43 AM
That name is dead to me.
Random Bullshit / Re: Life Changes
February 06, 2013, 04:08:21 AM
He's been tweeting about a cold, if that's relevant.
Television / Re: Saturday Morning Cartoons
February 06, 2013, 04:04:03 AM
Quote from: Crash Dummie on February 06, 2013, 12:14:37 AM
The Animaniacs or (ugh) the Mega Babies were obvious Ren and Stimpy rip offs (at least the former was decent), but Adventure Time feels really different. But hey, if it's not your thing, it's fine.
Dude, Animaniacs?  Which was designed to be, if anything a modern version of Looney Tunes and introduced some of the most memorable cartoons of its era?  You shall be the first one destroyed when Brain takes over the world!
Quote from: Giddins on February 05, 2013, 04:00:58 PM
i got this in an e-mail about a month agoHello,

On 15th March 2013 we are retiring the existing Messenger service globally (except for mainland China where Messenger will continue to be available) and bringing the great features of Messenger and Skype together. Update to Skype and sign in using a Microsoft Account (same as your Messenger ID) and all your Messenger contacts will be at your fingertips. You'll be able to instant message and video chat with them just like before, and also discover new ways of staying in touch with Skype on your mobile and tablet.
Huh, interesting.  Well, if there's some way to merge the accounts, I'll care.
Quote from: Giddins on February 05, 2013, 03:52:00 PM
Quote from: JasonzSon on February 05, 2013, 03:41:31 PM
If you ever get around to it, I imagine Skype is more essential than ICQ in this day and age.

and didn't msn merge with skype just recently?
Not to my knowledge it hasn't.  I imagine I would have gotten some kind of update from it auto loading when I turn on my computer.
If you ever get around to it, I imagine Skype is more essential than ICQ in this day and age.