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Sleeping Beauty (2014)

Started by Chucky, August 26, 2018, 12:32:33 AM

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If Rene Perez (who brought us the Playing with Dolls movies) had a bigger budget, with more accomplished actors, better costumes, effects and all that stuff, I think that he might actually be able to pull a half decent movie out of his ass some day. But until then, his movies will continue to look like made for television, fan-film hybrids and Sleeping Beauty is the epitome of that.

Anyone else had the displeasure of watching Sleeping Beauty?


I'm not that big into fantasy itself (aside from The Princess Bride), but god, does this sound awful. Thanks for taking the bullet.  [*hehehmm*]


I few more titty shots and it may have been enough to jump up an extra point.  [*browwink*]

It did have a few monsterish type characters and a little bit of blood, but not enough for me to call it a horror film of any sorts so I feel Fantasy/Action is about right for this one.